All the stuff

Thursday, March 14, 2013

campycampcamp -shiver-

I went camping on Monday and Tuesday (somehow I saved this post as a draft so it's a little later than it's supposed to be) and it was pretty great. It got cold, but take a look at how I kept warm. Here's a cross section:
The Secret: layers and fuzzies.

There was also fire and stars and I don't know how the hey astronomer people started seeing the same pictures in the stars because everyone was talking about Orion and I saw what they were saying was the belt and dagger but HONESTLY it looked like a line of stars. and any head or legs or whatever that might have been there would have been a little sloppy, like a lopsided stick person.

Lots of people on the trip were talking about how cold it was, but I thought it was pretty okay.
I like cold better than warm. I like to be comfortable, but I find it more comfortable to pile on layers when it's chilly than to endure heat I can't really escape. I wore my hoodie for a lot of the time and I even slept alright, though I waited to get out of my sleeping bag until I could see shadows on the tent indicating that the sun had clearly risen.
Y'know, staying in insulation until I could get the insolation.
ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaah I don't like my geography book; it is infecting my life.

Also there was lovely vegetarian options and I was glad that I wasn't the only vegetarian because sometimes I feel inconvenient but this time I wasn't the only one. c:

In other news, I watched Wreck It Ralph in 3D from my home. technologiez and on-demand made it possible. And everyone in my family got to see it for approximately the price of one not-3D movie ticket. WAITING PAYS OFF AND IT WAS REALLY CUTE.

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