I signed up for pintrest (mostly for organization but probably also to fill the tumblr void of looking at pretty pictures D: ) and it stole my writing time away.
I need to clean up and go to sleep so I can function tomorrow. At least I have the longer day at school tomorrow and I can work on writing then.
Despite still not having my draft by wednesday (story is due on Friday) I'm still ahead of where I was last time! On story 1 I was making my OUTLINE on Wednesday (that's done). But since I need to have it done by Friday afternoon, I better get in gear tomorrow. At school I won't have internet and so I won't have Pintrest. That should help. XD
Oh yeah, if it wasn't obvious, the story I'm writing is for school.
My goodness! As if having a tumblr, blogger, facebook, twitter, instagram, TWIG, and youtube page wasn't enough! LOL I know you don't use some of those much but yeah XD