I woke up this morning after a lovely dream. Actually, in the dream I was working for God, setting up a safety pin perimeter fence thing, and was being chased by a gaggle of evil clowns. But I wasn't scared, I ran right at them planning to just go around them and even when they grabbed me I wasn't worried or scared because I knew I was in God's will. It sounds a little silly and far fetched but it was actually a pretty comforting dream, plus I woke up naturally and didn't have to listen to my alarm clock.
I was able to spend a good bit of time without human contact, and then once the day started I did quite a bit of cleaning. I wasn't upset about spending my birthday cleaning. It was pretty fun.
My grandparents came and we had a little "party" like we do.
Okay, so after 18 years, I guess my family knows me pretty well. And it showed. Pretty much everything I was given was something I'll use.
Judah drew a picture of me as Sherlock Holmes. It was SO ADORABLE and it got its own post so look here.
I got new markers (something I had asked for) and since they're crayola, some of them were scented. The one called "spice" smells like chai. Mmmmmm.
I also got a set of useful kitchen items: sponges, towels, and a drying mat. All patterned with green and blue circles not unlike the umbrella I recently got. Good pattern call, Mom. :D
Dad gave me a laptop backpack that has more room for non-flat items than the last laptop backpack he gave me (he gets a lot of them from work) did. So I gave him back the businessy flat one.
And I also received a rice cooker/slow cooker, so that will be immensely useful for my starving-artist-eating-beans-and-rice future.
My grandparents gave me some flowers along with dollars toward useful items such as a bike rack.
And Andrew gave me an insulated cup that looks like a mason jar and has an orange lid/straw.
As for "cake," we had blondies (butterscotch brownies) made with whole grain and all that. Yummy. c: It was kind of funny because Mom and Andrew and Phillip have been bugging me all week about what I wanted to omnomnom and I only just decided on that yesterday. XD
Okay so then I cleaned some more, and then Peggy and Jack and Emma and her cousin Katy came and we had SHAKESPEARE NIGHT! There was tea and bread and cookies and more blondies and we read Hamlet. I got to be Hamlet. Apparently I did a great jorb. It was a lot of fun.
Jack also brought a DVD of a comedy trio doing abridged shakespeare so we watched a few of those.
And Emma drew me a picture of.... ME AS SHERLOCK HOLMES!
Man, seriously. >w<
This has been a great birthday. All good and pretty much no sad except for the fact that Bethany couldn't come. Bethany, if you're reading this, we gotta do somethin. Maybe go to CoCo's? c:
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
(from dictionary.com)