All the stuff

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tumblr and bikes and crafts etc.

Tomorrow, I get to return to tumblr. (>*o*)>

I haven't logged in all lent, though I've kept up with kingcheddarxvii's blog by visiting every once in a while (he doesn't post incessantly so it's easy enough).

I've missed looking at pretty and nerdy pictures.

I even made a pinterest and looked at some pretty pictures on there, but that's gonna end up being more of a... well, pinboard, than a browsing-social place.

The other thing that's been on my mind a lot is bikes.

I have this dark purple bike that I don't love a lot. I also have lime green duct tape. I think the colors would jive. I want to make my bike all stripey.

I also need to purchase:
A rear rack (and attach a milk crate to it)
Some sort of basket for the front (thrift, probably)
lights for the front and back so I can legally ride at night
a better helmet
a lock (probably a U lock and then a cable lock)

I think I want to replace my helmet too... it's a general sports-helmet and looks cool but fits poorly. Though that's not necessary.

Things I want to craft:
I want to paint my falling apart sturdy work shoes. Maybe do some reinforcement with duct tape if I can make it work.
Just recently a cloth blue stripey bag has fallen into my hands. I want to wash it and maybe add some decoration.
I want to make some sort of a duct tape bag for my bike.

I'm thinking about all the things I'll have to do when I move. It made me remember I want to change my bedsheets. I want to get some white ones for summer and some orange ones for fun. I also want to see if my family has a light colored quilt I can have. Basically I can make several combinations that way.
But I need to think of something to do with my still-usable blue sheets. Rags? Bleach them to BECOME the white sheets? I could cut them up and hem them to become reusable "paper towels." But do I want those to be blue?

I've also been commandeering some of the dishes we don't use.
I'm so excited to move out.

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.