All the stuff

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good morning, cricket

This morning while eating my breakfast cereal on the porch swing outside I observed a formerly still cricket beginning to turn in circles awkwardly and stretch out all of his limbs in unnatural ways. Interesting. Perhaps he was injured or poisoned. Or warming up! Soon enough he lay perfectly still again but his hind legs were outstretched in the air, stiff and mostly unmoving. o___o Something was protruding from his butt (hehe sorry to be crude) that hadn't been there before so I wondered if he was a girl giving birth or perhaps just any gender of cricket er... relieving itself.
It didn't move for a long time so I inspected it more closely. The thing sticking out seemed to be part of his body (so it wasn't going anywhere) and it was very flat, kind of curved, and looked like it had blood on the point of it. o_________________________o
The cricket's face looked like an anime grandpa's with dot eyes, an odd moustache chin thing, and huge eyebrows that stuck off his face (I know they're antennae, whatever). I deduced that he was doing morning yoga and left him alone after poking him with a piece of paper to see if he'd even move. He simply scuttled in circles again and then lay still.

What was the point of this post, you ask?


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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.