All the stuff

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Organization is fun.

So today I decided to start keeping my computer on my shelf where I can't open it without purposefully getting it out. I was tired of my computer being the center of my room (and my life!). I've also been setting fifteen minute timers, which I may have mentioned before. Even if I stop and restart the timer after fifteen minutes (like if I'm not done yet) I still have an idea of how much time has gone by.

Because I moved my computer, I had to move my charging cord. Which meant I had to move my iPod charging cord. Which meant I had to move my speakers. Which meant I had to--well, basically, I rearranged my room to have a focus on drawing, not the computer.

So now my desk is the brightest area, my back wall is still covered in pictures (but it's not in the background if I take pictures with my computer anymore... oh well, I can move my computer if I need to take a picture. It is a LAPTOP after all. c: ).

My bed is unmade, but I don't exactly care. After all, it has a Toad plushie, a Mori plushie, a Loki plushie, a (Captain) America plushie, and a stuffed elephant on it! I'm cozy~~~ All that's really missing are a Kaito KID plushie, a Rock Lee plushie, an Italy plushie, a Tenth (or Ninth) Doctor plushie, a Robin (Teen Titans version) plushie, a Pippin plushie, an Applejack plushie, UMMMMM okay maybe I can't have plushies of all my favorite characters because I'd drown in them.

That reminds me of the time when Phillip or Andrew was a baby and Justin and I put all the stuffed animals in his crib... we didn't realize that was dangerous. We thought we were being nice.


My drawing table is not the best one (it's not very stable) but it works, I suppose. Off to the left side and slightly behind my filebox chair is my lamp (which is falling apart--the plastic shades are brittle and cracked from lightbulb heat...). Just plain on the left is my whiteboard with my to-do list and the contact information for my closest friends. And three cups of pencils, pens, sharpies, markers, etc.
On the right side of my desk is the trash can with three boxes and some other things piled on top of it to make a makeshift table sort of thing where I can set things like my sketchbook or my colored pencil tin--slanty drawing tables don't work well for setting things on. Heck, it's hard enough to keep a single piece of paper on that thing, without tape. On that makeshift table I have two of my dolls--for posing reference. Yeah... I don't have an artist mannequin. XD
Oh, and my Loki action figure is sitting on the bar that holds up the slanty part of the table... kinda menacing. o___o

Even farther behind on the left is this gigantic box that my mom's office chair came in. It's a good box! There's nothing inside, but that's where I can spread out my papers and notebooks. I'll cover up the box with something nicer looking later, but for now I just put my large piece of white foam board in front of it and pinned a picture to it.

Well, that's mostly what I've done.

My textbooks for this fall have been coming in the mail. It's kind of scary and intimidating. Well, I've been on the computer for half an hour, so I should be going.
Maybe you'll get pictures of my new organization tomorrow~

1 comment:

  1. :O!!!!! A TENTH DOCTOR PLUSHIE?!?! Why did I not think of such a thing???
    Heh. I like 10th doctor plushies....C:
    And yay for orginization! I want to see pictures.
    I like organizing too, but I never do it XD


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.