I meant to follow up on this so here we go.
Ever since May 6 or sometime around then, I've not used shampoo in my hair.
hear me out. c:
See, I was wondering why we slather chemicals in our hair all the time. Obviously we survived without shampoo for thousands of years. Then I did some 'research' (replace "re" with "google " and it should be more accurate) and found that there are people who think that shampoo strips the natural oils from your hair (which it does) and then the body makes those oils in abundance to make up for it and that's why you get greasy again. There are people who have gone shampooless and had great results. So I tried it in the month of May. And I also decided to quit all the acne scrubs and medication and stuff. I was just going to trust good old water to clean me up.
The first couple weeks were the worst and got really gross. My hair felt disgusting half the time but I just tried to keep it off my face. (Plus side to this is that I am now in the habit of washing my face every morning and night.) I made sure to keep hydrated. My face was a little worse than normal, but the extra oil was probably the culprit.
It started to even out. Habits started forming. Showers got shorter. After a while I forgot I was doing anything special!
After I slathered gel in my hair (see Loki cosplay somewhere down there) and after I swam, my hair felt funny for a couple of days, but those were kind of minor problems. If anything my hair is more manageable now.
I see absolutely no reason to spend money on shampoo and the extra water needed to rinse it out in the future.
And nobody has told me my hair looked disgusting. My mom probably would have during that one really gross time except she knew what I was up to so she kept quiet. XD
By the way, my face is as good as it's ever been. I've been slipping out of the hydration habit but that's important. I'm actually thirsty right now. NO IGNORING IT I MUST GET WATER
EDIT 8-31-2012: Just wanted to add that sunlight is great for my hair. Sometimes, it will get a little flat or heavy if I've been staying holed up inside, but my hair feels fantastic after I've been outside a lot. Like, the best it's ever felt. Ever.
Interesting! I don't know if I would have the guts to do that. My hair gets so bad that I have to wash it pretty much every night. One time I skipped a day, and my hair got so greasy that my mom asked if it was wet. But it's probably because I wash it every night so I guess I'm stuck in a vicious cycle xP I'm kind of half tempted to try this, though. Every time I've seen you your hair looks great, so it obviously works c:
ReplyDeleteWell think of things this way: We've managed to survive without deodorant for a whole lotta years. Nowadays however we humans were smart enough to invent deodorant and bring that into the picture. Toothpaste and toothbrushes are another good example. These things I find a major improvement, and rightfully so.
ReplyDeleteAs for shampoo though, I don't really know what to say about that. Soap is pretty ancient and it has been used quite frequently, but back then, of course, soaps were natural and were rejuvenating because they were used less frequently than our standard modern shampoos and they didn't strip our natural oils. They also weren't chemically modified or made of trash. I'm quite surprised at the frightening things we humans use everyday and are unaware of....
I can't give up shampoo completely, however I do wash my hair less often than I used to. I really think people aren't going to notice if you haven't showered in a couple of days, unless you were out working in the sun the whole time. I mean, it is a little strange that those megalopolis money-raking shampoo companies are encouraging people to use their products every single day when you simply don't need to. The products are indeed designed to clean, but they are also designed to need to be used every day. Just use deodorant and put your hair up into different styles. That's what I do. :)