Who would have thought that eating two snow cones, five granola bars, a fortune cookie and an apple would make me... ravenously hungry?
I'm currently eating a salad and a small piece of pizza and like two kinds of pasta... I kid you not, when I got home, after I showered, I wanted to eat pretty much everything there was in the fridge. I tried to contain myself a little bit.
So YomiCon was great, but I think they named it wrong. It should have been called FreeStuffCon because I really made out good!
I'll post pictures tomorrow or something, but rely on my words for now and try to imagine it in your mind.
So I got there and pretty much got one of the last parking spots. Even though I got there just before two, when the pre-show started. There was already a line! I could have gotten into the line to get in and waited for an hour, but wearing long sleeves (I was cosplaying Link) in the Texas sun didn't seem so great, plus Bethany had yet to show up. So I took a few pictures and hung out in the shade under some trees and out of the way.
In Texas, weather is actually a legitimate topic and not just idle chatter when there's nothing else to say. So here was today: When I left my house, it was warm and damp. Yuck. I started driving towards Bastrop and it was spitting rain. In Bastrop, it was POURING and the temperature dropped like 10 degrees. Once I drove Highway 71 out of Bastrop, it cleared up again, and got warmer. And it was okay but a bit on the warm side in Austin.
Now that that's out of the way, back to YomiCon. After this tortellini break.
Mmm, yum.
So Bethany showed up and we waited in the shade a bit more and then we got in line and stuff. Someone asked for my email so they could send me a picture they took of me. Bethany wasn't in cosplay yet so nobody asked for her picture. :c
We eventually got inside. I scoped out the place while Bethany transformed into Kankuro from Naruto. (Pictures will have to come later)
I looked around the artist alley (which was basically the art all posted on the library shelves ends). I found four of my things, but I thought I submitted five, which was odd. Lemme check that.
Yeah! My steampunk entry didn't get put up. Weird, since steampunk was the theme this year...
Well here you go. c: NOW THE WORLD CAN SEE IT.
I was kinda surprised at the artist alley. I knew there couldn't be fanart in the mascot contest, but I thought there wasn't supposed to be in the artist alley either. Yet I saw a bunch and the first and second places were even fan art!
The mascot contest winner did a good job, though I think that there were several that could have won at least something (including mine, haha). I was trying to figure out why me and this other girl who did some really nice pictures only got one honorable mention each and no main prizes, but I think I figured it out. She was like 18 and I'm 17, so we're kind of growing out of the age range they're aiming for. I think they didn't want to discourage the younger folks. So I was able to be content with that, even if I would have done it differently.
So Bethany came out and we wandered around, figuring out the place. Bethany brought a lot of manga to trade and I didn't really bring any, but she was kind and gave me a Kingdom Hearts manga to trade in. The deals got better and better as time went on, so I ended up getting a two-for-one deal... I got the first volume of Skip Beat as a free one and then traded in the Kingdom Hearts for this volume of something called "Otomen" which had decent art. A lot of the good stuff went fast! Afterwards, Bethany also gave me a volume of Tsubasa that she had snagged.
We both entered the cosplay contest and got a lot of applause. c: Neither of us won anything in it though.
Here's the video they took. Not great quality, but you can see me and Bethany in it.
We were in line with a France, so we talked to her a bit. There was a Misty who proposed to Kankuro, but later she decided she loved her Rainbow Dash magnet more.
We did some more walking around and stuff. Those were the main things that we actually did, but we had some good conversations standing in line and stuff.
Near the end we were like "Oh, the bronies panel starts in 20 minutes! We gotta go do that!"
It wasn't exactly what I expected. The audience wasn't very cooperative and the leaders were really quiet... I was also really surprised at the amount of fans who liked all the creepy fanfictions and stuff.
Overall, it just wasn't like the bronies I'm used to seeing on the internet... a lot of them were loud people who didn't listen well.
But I'm glad I stayed 'til the end of it because I ended up getting three buttons and a Fluttershy figure (just a happymeal toy, but I hadn't had the chance to go get one during March so it was kinda nice).
We wanted to go see if they had any leftover kids' crafts after that, but the room was closed and so was the cafe, and basically all the free stuff that was left was taken, so we cleaned up and headed home.
We had a lovely discussion in the car on the way home. Also I'm a bad driver. It's an inevitable fact. Like, I manage to stay alive and safe and not-crashed, but I'm just not cut out for it. My mind wanders too much and I don't react quickly. I can't wait until I live in Austin and don't have to drive everywhere.
That sounds fun! You didn't dress as Thor and Loki though!
ReplyDeleteBut your costumes were still really good c:
Yeah, Thor and Loki are for the future... They're nowhere near a complete stage at this point. We had literally thrown them together that evening... Plus they aren't technically anime.
ReplyDeleteThat's true. But they were still really hilariously great costumes, even if they were thrown together in one evening :)
ReplyDeleteWe definitely plan on doing that in the future at a more general con. c:
ReplyDeleteYomicon sounds terribly glorious orz I AM HAPPY FOR YOU AND THE FINE PICKINGS YOU GOT.
ReplyDeleteAND AUGH yeah there's a lot of weird bronies out there. XD I'm terribly sorry they had to make their presence known to you. THAT WAS RUDE OF THEM.
And and and YAY FOR LINK and I do hope you two will officially cosplay Thor and Loki at a con someday regardless of it not being anime cus HECK LINK ISN'T ANIME EITHER.
Maybe someday we'll actually go to ComiCon or something. Link is kinda anime since he's Japanese... LOL XD