All the stuff

Thursday, June 28, 2012


There are only a few more days in June.


Just throwing that out there.

My daddy gave me his lovely camera today.

'course the reflex mirror broke a bit just a few hours later... I think we can get it fixed though. The camera is about nine years old or something, so it makes sense that the glue might not be super sticky anymore.

I just feel like I must be bad luck to cameras. XD At least this time it wasn't my fault (my old camera slipped off my shoulder and fell a foot or so to the floor... it was old and used but it still took good pictures and it made me really sad to lose it...).

The only problem with needing repairs to the lovely camera is that I was using it this week for important officialish things.

My dad talked to the guy in charge though and I get to borrow an (even better) camera. Praying nothing happens to that one either! >___<

(I'm definitely gonna be careful and all, I just feel an impending sense of doom due to previous incidents... XD)

I'm actually going to get to learn how to use a nice camera nicely... so that's cool. :D

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