All the stuff

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I got something in my hair...

My friend Peggy came over and helped me play with weird chemicals yesterday.
She wrapped my hairs in aluminium.


Then I wore a bag on my head. Quite stylish.

In the end I turned out to have orange hair by some weird side effect 
 but whatever it didn't hurt anything

September Daily Little Things

This month in a few words per day...

1. slept in a hammock at peggy's house
2. delicious pasta and pesto
3. enjoyed companionship of my friends <3 p="p">4. Japanese is fun!
5. speech went pretty okay
6. Akemi's birthday. History test was easy!
7. Shakespeare and zuchinni bread muffins
8. tree, silly songs
9. pasta, interesting characters
10. drank lots of tea
11. green apple smoothie
12. sang "I have confidence" really loud
13. pestooo and rain at library window, sushi
14. water park with bethany (and her family)
15. van was scary, telephone pictionary
16. splashing in rain gutter and Monty Python
17. listened to songs from musicals
18. japanese food and PASTA
19. lasagna, sushiii, time is still going too fast
20. beautiful weather
21. new converse!!
22. drove new van, telephone pictionary
23. nice man asked if I was okay, watched Skip Beat
24. took a nap
25. had a light day, read Skip Beat until 3 AM
26. reorganized school folders, got earphones
27. overcast, math was easy
28. banana bread
29. orange hair
30. empty beautiful air

So as you can see my weeks were busy but there was some good weather happening, food was the highlight of many of my days, and something happened just yesterday that I'll give its own post okay bye

Empty Space

The grey catches like a disease from one end of the clouds to the other. Suddenly, everything is dim, dim and white and empty. Emptiness, that in-between space, usually goes unnoticed. But now it fills every place that we used to think had nothing in it, and we can see it. And it is beautiful. We wish to be in the center of that space, clean, blank, and ready for anything to fill us.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You WISH your brother was this cool.

My own dear little brother who is like nine whole inches taller than me was doing his math and found that an equation he graphed looked like the top of a moustache. He used the "statistics regression formula" (whatever that is :P ) to find the bottom and then made it shade between.

So obviously

my nerd brother is cooler than you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A... GIVEAWAY?! (not exactly)

Well, the first day of fall came and went and I didn't blog about it because I've been so stinkin' busy. 
But there's been a real effect on the weather. It's been breezy and kind of cooler and it gets dark earlier and I've really liked being outside.

I got some sweet new shoes thanks to a sale:

and I've gotta find something to make out of the old ones:

I've had them for several years and they're now uncomfortable to wear cuz they poke me and I don't want to just plant plants in them but I'd hate to throw them out. Any ideas? Leave a comment!

I've been watching Skip Beat whenever possible (and I love it) but the manga is better.

It's so corny and ridiculous and typical but at the same time it's original and hilarious and keheheheheh.

I actually learned more about acting from reading Skip Beat than I did from my homeschool co-op theater class...

By the way, speaking of the converse, I got a coupon with the new ones for free shipping on the kind that you design yourself on the website, but there's no way they're tricking me into buying another pair of shoes. So if there's anyone out there in the wide, wide world who was ALREADY planning to get design-your-own converse, leave me a comment with a way to contact you or something, and I'll gladly give you the coupon code. c: FIRST COME FIRST SERVED HEHE

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Not how I expected to spend my day.

Well, today was kind of upsetting. I'm not going into details because this is a blog, not a journal, and the whole world doesn't need to know about my problems. But I talked to all three of my best friends about it, wrote a metaphorical story about what I was feeling, and didn't boil eggs OR paint the thing I wanted to paint (secret project hush hush).

I'm okay now. I need to pray, even though I want to just watch Skip Beat and forget about it. Well, sometimes you can't just ignore things.

1. when I'm over this, I'll probably be happier in general and can focus better on things I need to do
2. hopefully I can maintain the poetical-ness my angst has brought on (without the angst)
3. things aren't as dysmal as they seem right now.

Sorry for a randomly depressing post. This was probably pointless. Bye.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Tea Quest

I found a bunch of tea hiding away so I'm going to try them all. (Note: This has taken me a couple to several weeks. This is that post I've been working on forever... don't expect it to be good just because it took a long time to write. Prepare for disjointed, unorganized bits. And I'm awful at reviewing things, be it movies, books, food... I like it or I don't, or I don't care. And then I run out of things to say on the matter.)

Tazo Om tea: It was pretty good. It's a blend of green and black teas so it was similar to what I usually drink, but different.

Mysterious Chinese Tea 1: loose leaf. Kind of weak. Maybe it was old or maybe it was meant to be that way. But brewing it without a bag was cool.

Mysterious Chinese Tea 2: another loose leaf. I accidentally went outside for about ten minutes and forgot about it, so I brewed it kind of strong. Not too bad though. The leaves really expanded, it was pretty cool.

I'm bad at describing tea.

Mark T Wendell Cheericup Celyon: Darker than the other teas so far. Pretty good. I don't know why I'm doing this though, I haven't noticed much difference between the teas. Either I'm bad at brewing or most non-fruit flavored teas taste approximately the same. Well, chai definitely tastes different. But I am obviously no expert and have no right to be doing this.

Mark T Wendell Irish Breakfast: Supposedly ideal for a cold, wet morning. If I could be honest I think all our tins of Mark T Wendell teas are too old because they don't have much of a scent or taste. If it was in better condition, I have a feeling I would really like this one.

HEB chai: Well, no fancy brand here. But chai is yummy. c: And it smells soooo good.

Adiago Iced Mango: It came in a bag that wasn't made of paper and it smelled amazing. I made a whole pot since the bag was big and tried some hot and cold. The smell was better than the taste, but seeing as it was a fruit tea, it probably was meant to have sugar completing the taste. Too bad I don't like to add sugar to stuff. I think I'd rather use it as potpourri (you know, put it in a box so when you open it the smell comes wafting up and it's just an experience). Maybe I should salvage that other teabag for just such a purpose.

Tetley British Blend. Well, I had a breakfast tea for breakfast. I didn't like it all too much. I even added milk and sugar (which I almost never do), but it just didn't impress me. Eh.

There was this chinese Jasmine tea, but it started leaking tons of little flakes out of the teabag into the tea so I never drank it.

Tazo Awake (a black tea blend) : It was pretty good for a morning when I needed to be, well, awake. I can't say it was perfect, but man, my sleep has been so lacking! Not bad, considering. c:

Twinings English Breakfast tea: Even though this was a tea bag which is supposedly not as good, it was DELICIOUS. C:

Artificially Flavored Lavender Tea: Okay, that's not its name. I don't remember its name. But who wants a tea artificially flavored like a flower? Not me. I tried it because I said I would, but I didn't drink much. It smelled a bit spicy (like chai, not like jalapeno) but it tasted like... water? I guess? I know I didn't have an unbiased flavor opinion. If something comes right out and says it's artificial, the last place I want to be putting it is inside of me. Sorry. -shame-

I'm pretty sure somewhere along in there I also had some of the Tazo Calm (which had rose petals and chamomile). I wasn't trying it for the first time. Once again, why drink tea that tastes like flowers? XD I just don't get it. Well, it's not my favorite.

Mark T Wendell English Breakfast Tea: This actually had some flavor and scent. Maybe it wasn't as old or something. I mindlessly put milk in it the first time I tried it (I've been trying them plain so that I know what the tea itself tastes like), so I had to try it again. It wasn't bad, but I can see why people milk and sugar it.

Mysterious Chinese tea 3: Honestly I think these were all green teas of sorts cuz I didn't have any striking differences occur to me. But I do like green tea, and the fact that these mysterious chinese ones unfurl into ACTUAL LEAVES THAT LOOK LIKE LEAVES makes me very satisfied with the fact that I'm not making tea out of worthless bits of what is probably tea leaves.

Mark T Wendell Earl Grey: It was pretty good! x3 I liked it. ...yeah, that's about all I have to say on the matter.

I opened up the Lipton classic tea and found like eight different kinds of teabag rather than the loose tea I was expecting.
Including Twinings "Prince of Wales" blend which was pretty decent

and this Bigelow "Constant Comment" tea which was supposed to taste of orange rind which I actually left downstairs whoops. Well, that stuff is pretty good actually!

My mom got me some (Bigelow) vanilla chai. It smells delicious. ^o^ I tried it with milk and honey because the box said to, but I'm going to try it plain as is my habit, later.

Bigelow Plantation Mint: Well, I don't like mint so I was not too excited about this one. Thankfully the mint was all in the smell and not really the taste.

Bigelow Lemon Lift: Once again, apprehension was my companion as I sniffed this tea. It reminded me of that awful hot lemonade I had as a child when I was sick... The taste is alright, though.

Bigelow Cranberry Apple: I had said I wouldn't try the fruit teas, but I did. And it was really not-my-thing. I wasn't even expecting it to taste bad. Sorry, fruit tea lovers. I just can't do it. I had about three sips and that was it.

I also had this boring Lipton Decaf. -yawn-

So, there are a couple teabags I haven't tried yet, but I've had most of them and I have to say I'm pretty burned out on trying all the teas. Not burned out on tea though! Love that stuff. c:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

pasta ;^;

Sorry that I haven't been blogging. I've been working for a couple weeks on a longer, more composite post. o__o

Please don't expect it to be really good just cuz it's taking a while. Cuz I don't actually have that much to say.

I know nobody needs yet ANOTHER college report so I'll just leave that alone.

I've been in a broadway-style-musical mood lately. I've been listening to Fiddler on the Roof, and Les Miserables, mostly.


Anybody got anything to recommend to me? When I next get some free time, should I watch Phantom of the Opera again and pay attention to which songs I like so I can put them on my iPod? Or should I try something... -gasp- NEW?

I also need to get earbuds so that I can listen to music at school. XD

My daddy took me to a Japanese restaurant today at lunchtime and I had udon noodles and it was really good but the tempura kind of dissolved into the broth eventually and I was too full to even drink the broth because the noodles were so thick and slurpy I simply had to eat them all even though restaurant portions are ridiculously large. I also had seaweed salad (love that stuff). And then of course I come home and mom has made spaghetti and alfredo and so OF COURSE I have to have seconds even though I'm full (pasta will be the death of me... oh, what a tasty death :'D).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Dark, Rainy, App-Free Times

Three separately randomsome thoughts.

1. Middle school was a dark time in my life. I think it is for a lot of people, but not everyone knows it until later, like me. I think middle school boys (in general) have yet to grow up and are pretty rowdy and avoid the girls like the plague. And middle school girls, from my observation and experience, think of themselves as so grown up, even chastising older siblings for being immature (learn to lighten up and have some fun, sheesh!) Now I'm not just accusing from outside. I was just as bad as the rest of 'em. In middle school, I was SO, like, totally cool. I was an anime nerd!!!!! (I really liked the Naruto series.) I would tell you "i luv music soooooo much" (I knew like, three bands and thought high school musical was the best) and I was definitely very mature for my age but I knew how to have fun!!!! I was also EXTREMELY RANDOM (read: sometimes yelled the names of unrelated foods for no reason and thought that made me unique). I was a photographer (took crooked self-portraits and some shots of things like flowers, only few of which were any good).
I also disliked the things my parents liked enough to show to me (like chitty chitty bang bang).
I was a creepy crush-stalker. 
It seems that middle school me was almost opposite of my true personality. And it's not like I was faking anything. I just don't know what was wrong with me. XDD
 I'm glad I've changed. Very glad.

2. It's been rainy. It's weird to watch people trying not to get wet. Rain is beautiful. Walking through the gutter at church was so fun. Splashy splashy~

3. I found the way to turn off all the apps on facebook! In the settings there's a place to disable "platform" which means that when it's off, you don't get apps and you can't log into other sites with facebook. I don't like either of those things, so turning it off is saving me a lot of trouble. c':

Friday, September 14, 2012

Strange dream. o__o

I was at my college, near the bookstore. The bookstore looked like it was closed and it had some displays in front. I don't remember what they were. But then they changed to Peter Pan! I was really excited, but the only merch was the DVD and some really simple/boring (as in not even a face) plushies of Peter and Wendy. But I was still excited, and told a nearby person that it was the best movie ever. Then I leaned on the door and fell inside the bookstore even though there were boxes piled in front of it. I apologized and left.
Somehow I ended up driving in a car with someone else who may have been Bethany. I know Bethany was there later but I don't know if the person in the car with me was her or not. Anyway, Peter Pan started chasing the car! It wasn't really Peter, it was like, a really good hologram on a flying scooter or something. It passed the car and then another Peter came behind us and I got concerned that he was trapped in our tailwind. Well, we reached our destination and I placed myself beneath a desk with a long white thing that was apparently an indian peace pipe but it was way too long and resembled a hockey stick with two hit-the-puck ends. It was supposed to help someone identify me or something.
Then Bethany was there and these two Japanese ladies came in and set up some food and were telling us all about the traditions for punishment and such. There was also a little boy.

That's all I remember, but for some reason when I woke up I found it hilarious. I'm glad my dreams haven't downgraded to those lame "oh noes I forgot all my homework" dreams I always hear about people having.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sorry I haven't been blogging.

I've been super busy recently. I just made some sushi of sorts for myself. c: Math has been annoyingly easy, English has been easily hard (because I can't find the motivation to write a paper almost devoid of originality), Japanese is still fun and challenging, though there's a person in my class who seems to like me and I am at a loss XPPP,  History is a lot of reading but I'm feeling pretty good about it, and Public Speaking is BILLY MAYS XDDD

So tomorrow I'm hanging out with Bethany and her family and tonight I need to finish checking things and get some sleep. I'm tired. ^^;

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


So I read recently that you can use mason jars on your blender just like a Magic Bullet or whatever. So I wanted to try it because I love drinking from mason jars. So I got some green apple and spinach and green tea and blended it all up. It was really pulpy and gross actually, but I proved that it worked! I was going to pour it out but my dad suggested the smoothie route and so I added ice cream and IT IS SO GOOD 8D

On another note, please check out my startup "style blog", Your Hair is Legit on tumblr. (It was spur of the moment, I swear, I don't know style. But I collect so many pictures of dyed hair...)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

"I Cut My Own Hair" Take Two

I'm determined to keep doing this. It's much cheaper than going and getting haircuts. So maybe my hair will be sub-par for a few years while I get the hang of it, but at least it's not missing any huge chunks or anything...

Last time, I tried to blend the bangs into the sides and that was disastrous. At first I thought it looked fine but as it turned out I was mistaken for a boy twice later on. >_>
In fact, that made me think perhaps I should wear it a little longer (but I loooove short hair D: ). I decided maybe I'd grow it out shoulder length. Not too long to handle, but definitely more girly. But because of how I cut it last time, it was getting kind of weird in the back so I evened it out today. I chopped a bunch off the back (It's short again for a while, hooray), but left the sides at approximately the length they had grown out to be. And of course I trimmed my bangs.

Soooo, yeah. I am planning to grow it out a bit, but for it to grow out more evenly I had to cut it short again.
Peggy and Emma and Bethany and I decided that this would work on me:

I'm a link, click me!  (replaced the picture with a link so hopefully people will stop visiting my blog just for hayley williams' hair)

But probably without the orange. (I wish I was that brave, but whatevs)
So I need to study this picture and figure out how I'm going to cut it and all.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Akemi Kuroki

So I did a birthday post for Kurea, my very first OC, and now it's Akemi's birthday!

Akemi is a character that I love to pieces. She began as an Ouran High School Host Club roleplay character, and she was a prankster and a tomboy. She was honestly not a good character at all.
She also had a major crush on Tamaki, who at the time I adored (that seems like so long ago!).

At one point or another, I got the idea that she should be easily embarrassed to the point that her face turned as red as her hair. So she had the potential for a softer side...
At another point or another, I was roleplaying with Brittany who also liked Tamaki best, so we chose our second favorite characters to 'pair them up with'. I chose Takashi Morinozuka.

The two were hardly compatible. He was tall, she was short, he was quiet, she was loud, and honestly they had no chemistry.
Somewhere else along the line, I completely rehauled her character. She became a quiet, shy, and gentle girl, and a little taller.

She was still a bit one dimensional, so she ended up with a really complicated past involving abuse from both her father and her childhood friend/boyfriend that left her completely distrustful of males.

She is very quiet and enjoys nature.
One thing that makes her very different from a lot of Ouran OCs is that she absolutely loves the froofy yellow dress. In fact, if it hadn't been for the uniform, she would have chosen to go to Lobelia, the all girls boarding school that rivals Ouran.

Her job is modeling at her aunt's magazine, Araishii Weeeek. Her mother, Sakura, is the advertisement coordinator for the company, and her aunt owns the whole thing.

One thing that didn't change about Akemi is her bright red hair. However, it has progressively become longer and wilder and wavier and thicker.

It is so fun! I love drawing it.

She is a model and so she is very tall now. She is very suspicious of guys and pretty much avoids them. Well, it's just her luck that the one guy she makes friends with (Hunny, because she thinks he's only a kid) wants her to hang out with his friends, who are a bunch of guys! He promises that they're nice, and Haruhi even tries to put Akemi at ease by letting her know she's a girl too, but Akemi is still very guarded for a long time.
Either by being assigned to do so or just out of his own interest, Mori starts looking out for Akemi, making sure nobody bothers her at school and such. And over a very long period of time, she learns to trust him, even if he is the most scary guy out of all of them. (He's tall, rarely smiles, and hardly talks. It's hard to know what he's thinking.)

Akemi likes gardening a lot and she has a terrible sense of direction. She doesn't enjoy eating that much but when she does it's a tomato and mayonnaise sandwich, or a bit of chocolate. She has a particular fondness for an old abandoned house that she can find her way to even when she can't find her way home, and she absolutely loves weather. It makes her feel alive.

She's almost always changing, too, like any person, I guess. I find out more about her whenever I use her for a story or a roleplay. Out of all the characters I've ever made, she's definitely up there real close to the top.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This Leaf (speech class assignment)

Assignment: a 2-3 minute self-reflective speech with a prop.

I found this leaf a while back at Deep Eddy Pool in Austin.
Why did I bring a leaf to talk about myself? I could have brought my art supplies, printed one of my four unpublished novels, or brought any of the striped shirts that threaten to take over my closet.
You can tell a lot about a person by their tools, their toys, and their time. So why did I bring a leaf? Because things aren't that important. I can live without them. My possessions do not define me.
So how does this leaf define me? Do its exposed veins represent a fragile part of my personality? No. But I like this leaf.
You can tell a lot about a person from what they like–whether they can afford it or not, whether they admire it from a distance or come close to hold it in their hands.
The fact that I like this leaf might tell you that I like simple, free things. Things that make me wonder, or stop and think, whether those things are abstract or concrete.
These are the things that fuel creativity, a core part of who I am.
I can spend a lot of money on a fancy laptop, but those novels don't write themselves. I can own all the art supplies I could ever want, but without inspiration, what good are they?
And as for striped shirts, well, those still usually cost me something.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Getting Along and Productivity

My friend Peggy gets along really well with her brothers. I think that's really cool. They share stuff, go into each others' rooms, and treat each other like human beings. It's not like they don't have arguments, but it's vastly different from how my siblings and I treat each other.
I'd like to become more like that. I'm thinking maybe I should leave my door open rather than hiding myself away, at least part of the time, and I should stop getting so irritated at every little thing and also not be so touchy when other people use my stuff. I think I'm probably better at it than I used to be, but I still have a long way to go. So that's a thought.

I feel like my creative output has been pretty close to nil recently, probably because of school. I need to be writing! I need to be drawing! I need to be daydreaming! I don't want to become a robot zombie--
I am obviously dead here because I'm wearing pink pants and a sleeveless shirt and my hair is stringy
--who does my school perfectly and becomes utterly empty in the process. I'd rather get a B than lose my creativity. Heck, I'd rather completely fail school than lose my creativity! Thankfully, I don't have to go to that extreme. I'm smart and I shouldn't waste the money that is spent on my education. My later semesters will probably be lighter than this, so that's cool.
I also watched traffic today to see when the best time to arrive on Mondays is (because that's the day I drive myself to school and need a parking spot). I think I've got it figured out.
Japanese is a TON OF FUN
and I plan to take my first history test tomorrow. After that I'll have a better idea of how difficult the rest of the semester shall be.
Oh, and I have a speech tomorrow! I put the key words on a sticky note and stuck it to the mirror so I can practice it whenever I use the bathroom tomorrow. I have the gist of it down, but I just need to practice getting it out coherently. I planned to have it down by now, but Wednesday snuck up on me! D:

Well, since I haven't written anything cool recently (except maybe my speech which I shall post AFTER I make it tomorrow), I will quickly see if I can find something that I wrote years ago and perhaps queue it up to post sometime soon.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm at Peggy's house.

Emma looks sophisticated today.

Bethany is a lot of fun.

Peggy was cooking yesterday. 

I am... blogging?

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I checked my email this morning...

"Did you know that you can earn up to 16 GB of extra space on Dropbox for free? All you need to do is invite people.

Every time one of your friends installs Dropbox, we'll give you 500 MB of free space! Your friend gets a bonus too!"

Dropbox thinks I have 32 friends.

...that is ridiculous. I can count my close friends on one hand and the acquaintances I actually talk to when I can on another two. XD

Oh, Dropbox. You do not understand the introvert. C: