I found a bunch of tea hiding away so I'm going to try them all. (Note: This has taken me a couple to several weeks. This is that post I've been working on forever... don't expect it to be good just because it took a long time to write. Prepare for disjointed, unorganized bits. And I'm awful at reviewing things, be it movies, books, food... I like it or I don't, or I don't care. And then I run out of things to say on the matter.)
Tazo Om tea: It was pretty good. It's a blend of green and black teas so it was similar to what I usually drink, but different.
Mysterious Chinese Tea 1: loose leaf. Kind of weak. Maybe it was old or maybe it was meant to be that way. But brewing it without a bag was cool.
Mysterious Chinese Tea 2: another loose leaf. I accidentally went outside for about ten minutes and forgot about it, so I brewed it kind of strong. Not too bad though. The leaves really expanded, it was pretty cool.
I'm bad at describing tea.
Mark T Wendell Cheericup Celyon: Darker than the other teas so far. Pretty good. I don't know why I'm doing this though, I haven't noticed much difference between the teas. Either I'm bad at brewing or most non-fruit flavored teas taste approximately the same. Well, chai definitely tastes different. But I am obviously no expert and have no right to be doing this.
Mark T Wendell Irish Breakfast: Supposedly ideal for a cold, wet morning. If I could be honest I think all our tins of Mark T Wendell teas are too old because they don't have much of a scent or taste. If it was in better condition, I have a feeling I would
really like this one.
HEB chai: Well, no fancy brand here. But chai is yummy. c: And it smells soooo good.
Adiago Iced Mango: It came in a bag that wasn't made of paper and it smelled
amazing. I made a whole pot since the bag was big and tried some hot and cold. The smell was better than the taste, but seeing as it was a fruit tea, it probably was meant to have sugar completing the taste. Too bad I don't like to add sugar to stuff. I think I'd rather use it as potpourri (you know, put it in a box so when you open it the smell comes wafting up and it's just an
experience). Maybe I should salvage that other teabag for just such a purpose.
Tetley British Blend. Well, I had a breakfast tea for breakfast. I didn't like it all too much. I even added milk and sugar (which I almost never do), but it just didn't impress me. Eh.
There was this chinese Jasmine tea, but it started leaking tons of little flakes out of the teabag into the tea so I never drank it.
Tazo Awake (a black tea blend) : It was pretty good for a morning when I needed to be, well, awake. I can't say it was perfect, but man, my sleep has been so lacking! Not bad, considering. c:
Twinings English Breakfast tea: Even though this was a tea bag which is supposedly not as good, it was DELICIOUS. C:
Artificially Flavored Lavender Tea: Okay, that's not its name. I don't remember its name. But who wants a tea artificially flavored like a flower? Not me. I tried it because I said I would, but I didn't drink much. It smelled a bit spicy (like chai, not like jalapeno) but it tasted like... water? I guess? I know I didn't have an unbiased flavor opinion. If something comes right out and says it's artificial, the last place I want to be putting it is inside of me. Sorry. -shame-
I'm pretty sure somewhere along in there I also had some of the Tazo Calm (which had rose petals and chamomile). I wasn't trying it for the first time. Once again, why drink tea that tastes like flowers? XD I just don't get it. Well, it's not my favorite.
Mark T Wendell English Breakfast Tea: This actually had some flavor and scent. Maybe it wasn't as old or something. I mindlessly put milk in it the first time I tried it (I've been trying them plain so that I know what the tea itself tastes like), so I had to try it again. It wasn't bad, but I can see why people milk and sugar it.
Mysterious Chinese tea 3: Honestly I think these were all green teas of sorts cuz I didn't have any striking differences occur to me. But I do like green tea, and the fact that these mysterious chinese ones unfurl into ACTUAL LEAVES THAT LOOK LIKE LEAVES makes me very satisfied with the fact that I'm not making tea out of worthless bits of what is
probably tea leaves.
Mark T Wendell Earl Grey: It was pretty good! x3 I liked it. ...yeah, that's about all I have to say on the matter.
I opened up the Lipton classic tea and found like eight different kinds of teabag rather than the loose tea I was expecting.
Including Twinings "Prince of Wales" blend which was pretty decent
and this Bigelow "Constant Comment" tea which was supposed to taste of orange rind which I actually left downstairs whoops. Well, that stuff is pretty good actually!
My mom got me some (Bigelow) vanilla chai. It smells delicious. ^o^ I tried it with milk and honey because the box said to, but I'm going to try it plain as is my habit, later.
Bigelow Plantation Mint: Well, I don't like mint so I was not too excited about this one. Thankfully the mint was all in the smell and not really the taste.
Bigelow Lemon Lift: Once again, apprehension was my companion as I sniffed this tea. It reminded me of that awful hot lemonade I had as a child when I was sick... The taste is alright, though.
Bigelow Cranberry Apple: I had said I wouldn't try the fruit teas, but I did. And it was really not-my-thing. I wasn't even expecting it to taste bad. Sorry, fruit tea lovers. I just can't do it. I had about three sips and that was it.
I also had this boring Lipton Decaf. -yawn-
So, there are a couple teabags I haven't tried yet, but I've had most of them and I have to say I'm pretty burned out on trying all the teas. Not burned out on tea though! Love that stuff. c: