Ok, quick angry rant.
Blogger is a great platform for actually blogging. The themes are good, I like the setup, and it's relatively unknown (so not like tumblr where it's really easy to stumble across personal blogs.)
The thing blogger vaccumms at (aka sucks at, excuse my language but that's how I'm feeling) is TELLING ME WHEN MY FRIENDS HAVE POSTED!
On the homepage, there's my bloglist, right? It's supposed to be a feed of all the blogs I am following. It gets most of the posts from She Learns As She Goes and from Inspired Sketch and from Bad Catholic. Probably misses a few. These blogs are nice but I don't personally know the people.
Why does blogger seem to have it out for my friends' blogs??? A lot of times, it will link to a post on Emma's blog that doesn't actually exist. I figured maybe she published something and deleted it. It's a little annoying that it still shows up but I figured it was only a glitch.
However, the FINAL BLOW was when I found out today that BLOGGER HAS NOT BEEN *chooses not to use bad language "substitutes" here* TELLING ME ABOUT BETHANY'S POSTS FOR OVER A MONTH!!!
During that time, she made six posts, none of which showed up in my feed. I know she doesn't post very regularly, so I don't usually go to her blog to check. But because Blogger didn't even tell me about a single one of those posts, I haven't been reading or commenting on the things one of my very very very dear friends has to say.
I'm just mad. It's not enough to make me leave blogger as my blogging platform because like I said, for the actual blogging it's great (for me, anyway, in this relative blogging desert, since I don't need much interaction to thrive). However, I'm considering finding a different sort of RSS reader (for those of you who don't know, it basically lets you see everything new on whatever sites you choose, all in one place, which is what the blog list is SUPPOSED TO DO.) I can't use Google Reader cus they're discontinuing (they do run blogger so I bet it's the same coding... no wonder they're quitting, the service probably didn't even work. D<< ) Do any of you random viewers from canada or germany have a recommendation? Or are you just here to steal my pictures and leave?
Bethany, if you see this, once again, I'm really sorry.
D,: that's annoying! I think she might have changed her URL? And my dashboard does that too, if someone has deleted a post it still shows up in my feed, so you're not alone. Muy frustrating.