All the stuff

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Living Every Day in April

Wow, I am scheduling this post for 24 HOURS AGO so it will show up in April. But don't be fooled. I wrote this the morning of May 1.

Without further ado: my 30 days of April.

1. Got school done early
2. Was exhausted yet didn't go to bed early
3. Got the spot by the window and it rained
4. Walked a lot with Bethany
5. Childcare went not badly
6. Went to apartments, ate good eggs
7. Biking, nice breeze
8. Perfect weather, tea and Sherlock Holmes and breeze and dimming light and porch swing
9. Cooked up leftovers for lunch
10. Rain in the morning, friendly bus drivers
11. Started really going through stuff
12. Paper Beaky fights
13. Homestuck Meetup
14. Got excited to reach out to (other) geeks
15. The day was warm and my lunch was bread
16. Weird blood mystery
17. Walked over 2 miles
18. IM with Shadow
19. Mango smoothe, drew Ched a b-day pic
20. I can't play guitar
21. Nap!
22. Painted a Hero of Light bag
23. Lots of planning
24. Walking, presentations
25. Set up blog for FF
26. Efficient on work
27. First webcomic panel~
28. Cleared stuff out
29. Great weather, so close to school ending
30. Read for 1 1/2 hrs

So as you can see, the most repeated thing is good weather. The most exciting thing is the webcomic (though I haven't promoted it much cuz it's still at 1 panel). Walking is also a plus, and I'm cleaning up to move! (even though it's still a month and a few days away)

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.