All the stuff

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Things that have been fun and not so fun lately

Youth group/Food.
We had a "hot topics" night at youth group where we could ask hard questions to a pastor (our pastor, but we had visitors too, yay!). That was fun and I ate too much chips and salsa and we brought home a bunch of stuff. Tortillas, milk, garlic/cilantro salsa, citrus green tea, tortilla chips...

Retro Gaming!
There were nearby garage sales and the bros got themselves a game cube and four Legend of Zelda games. All the slots on Ocarina of time are filled, but I might try my hand at the two original ones or Majora's Mask sometime. The only downside to this new game system is that I had to mediate several fights over it already, and I don't think I handled it very well.

I've played Scribblenauts a couple times with my bro. It can be pretty fun, but honestly it's more fun to do with someone where you're taking the keyboard when you think of something. Our text is broken on it, so we actually can't read anything; we just spawn objects and hope they work.

Obstacle courses.
I was in charge today, so we went to the late service at church and afterwards we went to the park. We ate sandwiches (wrapped in thin cloths, not plastic baggies!!) and fruit cups, and made up an obstacle course and timed everybody. Goodness! What fun you can have NOT ON THE COMPUTER! We stayed until small children came and wanted to use our course like the playground it was.

Day off.
This hasn't happened yet, but I get a day off from going to class, so hopefully I can spend that time at home doing fun stuff, once I'm done studying. 

Not fun:
I've been revising my creative writing pieces for the final portfolio, and finding them SO unsatisfying! I don't usually feel bad about something I just spill out, but if I have to go back to it and make it... professional, clean-cut, I guess... that is so difficult. I think I really thrive on writing quick, witty, goofy silliness, but I do need to learn how to clean up my work if I'm going to publish any of it. So that's been difficult.

Judah said today that "we only argue because we love each other." Which in a way is sooooort of true, but at the same time, only vaguely. Yes, my brothers are able to fight with each other because they're close. But the REASON they fight is because of selfishness. Because they want the longer or the first or the biggest, or at least want everyone else to "suffer" as much as they have to. Usually I try to stay out and let their spats settle down by themselves, because life isn't fair and I don't like getting involved in stupid arguments. Sometimes I have to intervene, and I try not to favor one side, so that usually ends up in everyone being unhappy. It's just annoying. Ugh.

Still don't really like it. But I still drive even though Justin has his license now, this morning for example. Mom's probably more comfortable with that just because I've been driving longer, and I do feel more comfortable being in control myself, but I am pretty excited to be done with driving for the most part soon. Public transportation, look alive!

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.