All the stuff

Friday, May 10, 2013

School Year Goals Evaluation

At the beginning of the school year, I set some goals.

Seeing as the school year for me pretty much ended yesterday, it's probably time to see how I did.

When it comes to wisdom, knowledge, learning, academics, etc, I'd like to (prepare yourself) MANAGE MY TIME WELL SO THAT I CAN SUCCEED IN MY CLASSES AND WORK WITHOUT GOING ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
Well, I certainly did succeed in my classes. The only deadline I missed, I think, was one to two discussion boards. While I did feel absolutely tuckered out due to school at some points in both semesters, I think my time management was adequate. Goal achieved!

When it comes to stature, health, etc... well, I can maintain, even if I don't grow! I'll try to CONTINUE EATING AS MANY HEALTHY FOODS AS POSSIBLE AND EXERCISE REGULARLY AND CUT BACK EVEN MORE ON PROCESSED FOODS.
I don't remember if I was taking care of my own lunches and breakfasts by the time I wrote this, but I have been usually fending for myself for those meals these past two semesters, and packing lunches, not buying them. I've definitely had some weak points, but as a general rule I think I'm improving. One lovely example of this is that we had some chocolate and marshmallow cereal, which I gave in to the temptation of. I got a small amount (not a whole bowl.) I finished it, but it tasted... chemically. Almost reminiscent of air freshener. It was weird. And then the next two days I had a weird stomachache... probably not related, but a good excuse to not eat that again. I love it when I eat something unhealthy and realize it's NOT WORTH IT and then next time I can say "nope." On my way to good things.

When it comes to favor with God... ...I'm really bad at consciously putting Him first. So my goal is to PURPOSEFULLY BRING THINGS TO GOD THROUGHOUT THE DAY.
Hmmmm. I feel like I forgot about this specific goal... I don't even know what to make of my spiritual life right now. I still believe, and all that, not doubting or anything, but everything about God keeps feeling far and removed. I should be more persistent in my prayer, I think, which was part of what this goal was about. I should be persistent to the point of being annoying, like that parable about the widow and the judge. I need to really pursue God and more importantly open myself to Him pursuing me which he's ALREADY DOING EVEN and I don't know why my head feels so full. Progress negligible. Goal continues.

Pray for me, alright? Moving on to the next one:
I think I succeeded, maybe? This is so open ended that it's hard to tell. It's not as tangible as, for example, meeting deadlines. Well, I'm sure I did not treat people perfectly, but I don't think I've had problems with wanting to avoid people... you may have read of my many odd stranger encounters this semester. I still kind of have that anti-social vibe, I think... but I've been more open to strangers in this past semester, it would seem. Related side story: one stranger I never told y'all blogreaders about is this tall black guy who often got off the bus and passed the table I frequented with his portfolio and all that. The weird thing was he talked to me like he already knew me. Once asked if we had taken an art class together. At first I thought it was strange, but I guess I warmed up to him. I might be getting better at talking to strangers or people in general. But I'm still an introvert and probably always will be. However, I don't have to be socially awkward for the rest of my days... I DUNNO but God seems to have been giving me lots of practice this last semester so pretty good progress towards goal.

And there we go. School goals. Overall grade, C+ maybe. Mostly because I'm so clueless when it comes to the most important goal. :\ I like to think that I know it all, but man, I am soooo small and clueless when it comes to God. I just. -sigh- Good thing salvation comes by Jesus and not by how much we know or think we know about God. We would all be doomed, even the pastors. I'm sure. Our heads are just so tiny... I know I'm going off on a tangent. Sorry. This post was about goals. Better stop now. Once again, pray for me, friendos.
-waves and recedes into distance-


  1. Definitely can relate. I will pray for you! It's a lifelong journey and struggle. We'll never be perfect in this life. But persisting is good! Sometimes God withdraws His presence so we'll wake up and search for Him, and not the good feelings/awesomeness that goes with Him. If that makes sense. And I like it when you ramble c:

    1. Yeah, that does make sense.

      Well, I'm glad you like the rambles, 'cuz I probably couldn't stop if I wanted to!


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.