All the stuff

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Secret of Kells

W O W.

I saw a gifset on tumblr that looked really cool and interesting, so I looked up the movie.
It's called The Secret of Kells, and it's basically about this small village and monestary where they're building a wall to keep out the enemy who is destroying everything, basically, so the kid, Brendan, has never seen the outside. One day he goes to the woods and meets an unordinary girl (Aisling).

The animation is so cool and different. It's really engaging and almost surreal. Geometric shapes make you look at everyday things in a different way, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the way the people are drawn, it hardly matters. You're constantly questioning your perspective and the scenery is always surprising. I'm pretty sure it's largely based off of the art in illuminated manuscripts, as a hand-illustrated book is actually a key point of the whole film.
Not how you'd usually draw a forest clearing, right?
The pinnacle of the movie for me was when the kid battled a monster using chalk lines. I mean, WOW. (I don't think that's really a spoiler, but sorry if it is.) It's got a lot of sadness and maybe an impending sense of futility, but also a lot of beauty and some hope. This is the first movie I've seen in a good long while where the actual art of the thing kept me engaged the whole time.
Gorgeous. And animated.
I mean. Please. It's on hulu. You can watch it right now from your computer free and legally. You have no excuse (except for if you're planning to do something that you believe trumps a beautiful movie, like going to an event or something, in which case, watch it later).

Images are obviously from the movie (or illustrations of it from Not claiming any copyrights. Please don't sue me or something. c:


  1. I saw that movie a while back. The animation *is* pretty incredible. I can't really remember the rest XD I'll have to watch it again.


      it is practically a crime that you did not insist that I watch it


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.