All the stuff

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blood Mystery Part II

In this post last month I related a strange mystery of a blood spot that appeared on my bed, rather large, on new sheets, and definitely not from me!

Well, the blood is back, still creepy and mysterious. No, not in the same spot. Now that would REALLY be frightening. This time, there were just a few dark red-brown drips in my bathroom--one down the wall near the toilet paper, and two on the cabinet. There were three or four smaller spots on my cabinet/countertop, and one spot that was thin or spread out and not quite a centimeter across. (Until I found the other spots, I mistook it for nail polish or something.)

I'm confident it's blood, as it cleaned up with water into the same brown-red color and had the same metallic smell as last time. I didn't take pictures (again!!??).

Still no theories, nothing that seems plausible. So of course my imagination has suggestions for me:

small animal murder/wounds (is there domestic violence among secret critters in my house?!?)

lame attempt by the devil to scare me (not working, not scared, haha)

siblings somehow getting blood on my stuff?? (doesn't seem very likely)

I'm pretty confident that I have nothing to do with these bloods.

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