All the stuff

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Goals Progress

Technically, summer hasn't even started yet. But seeing as I've started my summer goals and it's nearing the end of a month, here I go.

Get a job.
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. :(
I've yet to get any tangible results. The one I applied for online sent me an email that they didn't need me. The two that I've turned in paper applications for... I keep calling them back and they keep saying to check again next week. Who knew people took so long to review applications? When I wrote down that I could start June 12 (2 weeks ago), I thought they'd reject me because I couldn't start for a whole month. June 12 is seeming much more reasonable as a start date now, with only 2 weeks left. I applied for another place this morning.

Practice drawing every day.
Oops? I'm sure I've at least doodled most days, but as for sitting down and learning techniques... I need to GET ON THAT.

Blog 3 times a week.
Seeing as in the almost-three-weeks since I've posted that, I have 11 posts... I'm doing a-ok there.

Move to Austin.
The day approaches! I'm packing things up and paring things down.

Webcomic: 1-2 pages per week.
I regret to inform you that I have failed, sort of. The first week, I finished 30 minutes after midnight on Saturday. The second, I didn't finish until Monday or Tuesday... THIS WEEK. This being the third week, I'm making up for it by doing it early and maybe doing two panels. I have the linework done, still need to color it. Cars are glubbin' hard to draw! By the way, none of these are posted yet, because I want to update in chunks, so I may only get to update about once a month. But I'd rather do that then have readers wait for a week between each panel.

Well, looks like I'm off to a great start, huh?


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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.