WELCOME to a new regular (I hope) feature on my blog! It's hardly an original idea, but it's a good and persistent one. So here's the stuff I'm currently up to.
Sasameke |
I picked up this manga at the library because I liked the cover art. It's pretty thick for a manga, as in it's three times the size. I haven't gotten very far. Reading before bed usually means falling asleep.
Basically, it's about a boy who used to play soccer and now feels pressured to play again (it's unclear whether he actually doesn't like it anymore or is just pretending). The girl on the cover seems to be almost a sort of delinquent (beating people up, anyway). I'm really unsure what direction the story is going, but the art is pretty so I'm going to keep reading.
Listening to
I've mostly been listening to playlists recently, it seems. I haven't downloaded anything new in a while. I've just been shuffling. The "listening to" section probably won't be the highlight of these sorts of posts. I'm no connoisseur of beats. Maybe if you guys petition
Bethany, she'll do a feature on her blog. She's all about the musics.
Lovely Complex |
Lovely Complex is a HILARIOUS anime about a tall girl and a short boy who just can't find love. Might they be a perfect match? NO WAY, they'd tell you (in perfect unison). They're just stuck as an unfortunate comedy duo who like to get the best out of life. The visual gags as well as the jokes actually make me laugh out loud, so GO WATCH IT. I've probably seen this series two or three times already, but I keep coming back to it, 'cause it's so good.
Kimi Ni Todoke |
Kimi Ni Todoke is a sweet anime about an introverted girl who is learning to open up to the world. Unfortunately, Sawako's looks and mannerisms remind her classmates of a ghost from a famous horror film! It's really heartwarming to watch Sawako make friends slowly but surely, and I have to admit I relate to her in a few ways. It's rare to see an introverted main character. I've read the manga up to a point, but I'm still going through the anime for the first time. It can be pretty fluffy and cheesy, but it's oh-so-cute.
Well, that's all for now, but I'll probably do different categories when I make these posts, just depending on what's up.
Haha I've been watching certain episodes of Lovely Complex too. c: