All the stuff

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin


And all you other little kiddos too.

As some of you may know, blogger's feed thing has been driving me crazy, not showing me stuff my friends post. So I set out to find an RSS reader. Then I remembered Kelli had recommended something, so I went and checked it out.

"Bloglovin" is a service where you sign up and then add your blogs, plain and simple. I've yet to see if it will pull through, but it looks promising.

And I had to make a post with that link in it to "claim" my blog. Clever. I have to advertise them to fully optimize their service. I see what they did there. o_O

So in conclusion, I may be recommending this service if all goes well. See ya!

1 comment:

com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.