All the stuff

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Making of Cute Things

Today I made some cute stuff. Or, at least modified things I already had. Now you can see them!

First off, a sewing kit. My iPod came in this clear plastic box that I knew I wouldn't ever put it back in, even for transport, so I had been saving it for the perfect thing (I keep containers because I like containers, ok?). Today I discovered what that perfect thing is.

I won't be able to take a sewing machine with me when I move. No more spur-of-the-moment plushies, I guess. But I didn't want to be stranded with no way to repair a loose seam or something!

Okay, enough talking. Let's look at what I made!
Cute, right?
Inside are a few basics, including a small spool of relatively neutral thread, a seam ripper (I disposed of its cap because it wouldn't fit otherwise and was cracked anyway), some pen shaped mini scissor things, and a gum package I got from Jody at church. It's just the right size for a little bag of spare buttons and a quick repair kit from a hotel, plus an extra needle I took from our extensive stash.
In addition to all that I have safety pins.  A lot of safety pins.

The picture on the gum package
Once everything was in it, I needed a way to keep it shut, as it had no latch or anything, so I velcro-ed a ribbon to the bottom and tied a bow. I need to work on my bow-tying, probably...

What's next? Well, I did a lot of organizing and then decided I needed to label my filing... things. I think they're magazine holders. Whatever.
 It should be obvious what I did there. I glued paper to a thing. I had fun designing them, though.

I was in the labeling mood and wanted to use up some cute paper cups I had, so I also made this:
quarters only!
I don't even chew gum. But the point is saving quarters. c:
Basically what I did there was put a label on one cup and cut another one in half for a sort of matching but easily removable lid.

Next I made a label for a journal I got a while back:
errands and groceries (weekly)
The tall book seemed perfect for lists, and since it has bicycles on it, the use obviously must have something to do with going around town. I don't know at this point whether it will be mainly for me or whether my housemates will want to use it as a sort of collaboration grocery/errand list, but I'm sure it will be used one way or the other.

Bonus: a thing I made a couple weeks ago... a tissue box cover!
I really liked the wrapping paper, and all the cheap tissue boxes are boring. I had a large birthday card from last year made of posterboard that I had on my wall all year, but it was sort of unwieldy and I couldn't keep it forever, so I re-purposed it. I just made a slightly bigger box out of that, wrapped it in the paper, and constructed a way to keep the tissue box from falling out of the bottom. Voila! Bright and pretty (and orange!) tissue dispenser made out of birthday wishes. Instant pick-me-up? Well... wouldn't go that far. But I like it.

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
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