Let's face it, minimalism is practically incompatible with being an artist, unless you do all your work digitally.
However, the idea of living with less appeals to me. Since I'm moving into a much smaller space soon, it's the perfect time to cut down, especially since everything I don't bring I can leave in my parents' attic and come home and get it if I REALLY need it.
Minimalism is almost incompatible with being a geek too. How do those little Loki figurines or Mori plushies or various geeky collectibles serve a useful purpose... D:
Obviously, I won't be able to easily give up my stuff. DX But the important thing is to have a place for everything, and to think about what I really NEED.
Some things I know I'm not taking:
My drawing desk. I don't use that thing anyway, it's terrible.
My filing drawer chair (well, it's really my mother's...). I keep my art stuff in the drawer part, but as a chair it's not comfortable and I don't like chairs for the most part anyway.
My Avengers display. It's just a large piece of cardboard. Yeah, it's cool! But it's too heavy to hang like a poster, and it just takes up floor space. It needs a good home... and not with my bothers! (bothers ≠ good care)
My fabric scraps and my grandma's sewing machine (and my mom's sewing machine!). I do like sewing things on the spur of the moment, but that's a lot of space that could be better used. I'll just need to plan my projects ahead of time and if I need to mend things I'll take a visit to home or something.
My 5 head lamp. The colored shells are breaking and I don't feel like replacing them. besides, that would leave my current room with no lighting unless they moved the 3 head lamp back in from the playroom... eh. I don't really think I need it.
The tripod. It's not exactly mine... and I rarely use it. If I need one, I can probably borrow it.
DDR. No wii or TV, so what good would it do? I've gotten to the level where I can get passing grades on many expert songs, so when I go, I'll leave it in the care of my brothers (we'll see how long it lasts)
My old markers/pencils. Currently I bring them to childcare, but we're in a room that usually has crayons out, so I don't need to bring 'em...
Things I'm not sure about (Bethany, Emma, Peggy if you read this, feel free to help me out).
My cosplay stuff. It's fun. I could store it with normal clothes, minus the accessories. But there are several of them... Maybe I could just bring the completed ones/the ones I'm committed to finishing. Yeah. Good idea, Claire. Thanks, Claire.
Roller blades. My primary use of these is rolling around the house. Maybe would be frowned upon in an apartment (skating on the floors. Could be noisy if someone is below, or damage things.) I have claimed LaRissa's old four-wheelers, and I like that kind of skate better, so I can use those for cruising around town and they're a bit smaller. The only thing is they're a tiny bit tight, so if they give me blisters, I'll have to get rid of 'em. At that point I guess I could rescue my in-lines from the house. Good idea, Claire. Thanks, Claire. (as you can see, a little thought is deciding these things for me.)
All of the dishes I have. I have tons of cups. I definitely don't need them all since I think all of us have several cups. Also, I might not need the picnic plates. I'll figure that out.
All of my bags. I'll probably leave behind the purple rolly one and the spotty laptop messenger bag and the zip up binder, because I don't use those often. Also, it will be a little painful, but I won't bring the plaid backpack since it's falling apart. Maybe I'll put some of the stuff I'm leaving at home in it.
My printer. I'm leaning toward no. Because I think there's supposed to be a printer we can use at the apartments, and I don't even know if mine works...
Sleeping bag. If I need to go camping, I'm sure I can get it from home?
Random decoration items. Large paper lanterns, my jellyfish (okay no jellyfish is a for sure coming), the peace tea cans I've been collecting, string and cup telephone I brought home from church... homemade nightlight, sticks and leaves... probably don't need most of those. Ones I do want to keep include a couple bottles, a candle.
The plethora of pictures on my walls. Okay, I KNOW I'm not taking all of them. But what of the ones I like? Pictures people have given me? Maybe I'll take photos of pictures I don't need to hold. As for my Kingdom Hearts poster, I like the art but have never played the game. Maybe I can cut it up and make an art project. Hmmm.
Small green end table. Well, it's cute and table like, but it could just end up taking up space.
Trash/recycling bins. I don't know what our situation with such things shall be.
Will probably bring but maybe not
My dolls. I'm only planning on keeping two of them, and I like 'em, but if they just end up being clutter...
Every blanket/plushie/pillow I have. I'm pretty sure I can't have too many of those.
String lights. Come on. So cool!!
All my jackets. I have... seven? They're all special to me in their own ways, but it seems a little ridiculous to have so many... especially in Austin, Texas.
Really do want to keep
My desk. It's standing height. It is made of two book cases and a piece of counter, so it has storage space. A lot of it. It does take up quite a bit of space, though. That's my main concern. I probably could fit the end or head of my bed underneath of it. But let's get real, that would look terrible and/or negate its effect as a standing height desk.
My speakers and headphones. Music, dude. They're nice, too.
Camera, Laptop, iPod, phone. Yes, the "~essential technology~". All the cables, too.
My TARDIS bookcase. Takes a bit of space but can hold books, etc.
Art/craft stuff. This is where my "minimalism" has to fail. Tape, glue, markers, pencils, assorted papers... At least I'll have it flawlessly organized!
My books. I don't have many of those, so there's where I'm in luck. These and the art stuff can go in my bookcase, which I can share with Emma if she's cool with that. I would assume... it's a TARDIS...
Clothes, but isn't that a given? I am definitely cutting out the ones I don't wear anymore, however.
Well, that's what I can think of for now. Of course, there are storage containers etc that I haven't even mentioned, but eh. I'll figure them out. If you read all that, thanks for letting me think out loud. c:
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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
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