All the stuff

Friday, April 26, 2013

Random update (I need more themed posts)

What a crazy week!

Mostly it's been school. I'll brief yous guys but I probably talk school too much here.
In Japanese on Wednesday I did two presentations, so Monday I'll just get to watch and do a few review activities. After that is just exams (one spoken, and then the final) so I'll pretty much JUST be studying.
Same story in Geography, I'm pushing to get things done so I can take it easy. I have the equivalent of one chapter left to read, and then I'll take my last test.
Finished all History tests. I just have to make this book report not seem so jumbled so it's good enough for an A. Even if I bomb it though, I've got a guaranteed B.
Creative Writing: homestretch. Revision and portfolio putting-together is all I have left.

So basically, things are winding down.

As for other stuff... Hm. I've decided not to wait on getting my own site and my own hosting to post my webcomic because WHO KNOWS when those dreams will happen? And I'm determined to get a foothold with my comic THIS YEAR. So I've set up a blogspot blog and formatted it decently so I think it will support the format I'm looking for. I won't bother linking to it yet, since it's fallow, but I have the very first panel/slide/page thing sketched up. I like it with the sketchiness, and I think inking it isn't necessary, so I just need to scan it and touch up some color and whatnot. The format and overall feel of the comic may vary A LOT, especially in the beginning, but I've got to find my rhythm somehow. c:
To amp me up, I've been watching a web series called Strip Search (COMIC strip, people) that is basically one of those live-in reality shows where webcomic artists are up against each other to see who has got what it takes. (Note of caution to any would-be viewers: strong language, some "mature" topics. Why can't there be GOOD CLEAN SHOWS ugh)

Um, what else? Ah, right. There were a lot more kids tonight than usual. A couple of adults were in with me to help out and also cuz one of them was doing a project with the kids. I brought, upon request, activities for younger children whose attention might not hold, but it was actually the older ones who ended up becoming extremely restless. After much begging, I finally let them go outside. Also, I dug through a marker box looking for estranged caps and markers, so now my hands are of the colorful variety.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.