I haven't blogged consistently recently, but I've been saving up topics! I'll probably schedule new posts to come out over every few hours, but some of these things can be condensed. So here are the small ones that don't deserve their own posts:
The apartment stuff is working out splendidly. I'll be moving out in June.
On that note, I walked over two miles from the apartments to church looking for businesses to consider applying to. The great thing about Austin is that there are SO MANY funky little businesses, and they aren't all whataburgers and the like. I want to work at Hobby Lobby, though, if I can get that job. Some people from my church saw me walking and drove me the last half mile or so to church. That was nice of them.
I've been going to an art group on Wednesday nights. Those guys love to argue, and it's not the rational deflection of specific points that I like. It's more of a batting down the other person's entire opinion and sometimes I have opinions, but I'm not keen on being shot down. XD
We got some eggs from Emma's family and snap, they're great. So yellow, so cool.
I started going through my stuff and sorting out what I'm leaving at home.
I had a weird blood mystery! Here's what happened. I was laying in my bed Tuesday night, when I got this dumb urge to check if my alarms were set. I was already late to bed and had to get up at six. I had set BOTH my alarms just that evening before I sat in bed and drew a little. Finally, I got up and they were both set, but when I returned to my bed, there was a brown spot right below my pillow, where my shoulders might have been when I was laying down. On my new orange sheets. What? I was disturbed by this. I sniffed it. It smelled funny but I couldn't identify it for sure. It was dry. Blood was my first thought. I had eaten some M&Ms in bed on Monday evening, but it definitely didn't smell like chocolate, and besides, a crushed m&m would be uncomfortable to sleep on all that time.
I went down and got wet rags. I rubbed that spot out! (the whole thing pretty much came right out.) On the mattress pad below it was definitely brown (on the orange it almost looked black). But when I rubbed it thin on the rag, it took on that rust shade and definitely looked like blood.
I wasn't bleeding. I checked. There was nothing on my clothes. It was probably dry before I got in bed that night. But HOW DIDN'T I SEE IT? and HOW DID IT GET THERE? These are things I may never know. The sheets are farely new, and I know I haven't had any wounds or other things that would make me bleed that much since then. Even if I had a pimple or something on my back that was bleeding, it wouldn't have bled like THAT. It was more than an inch square. I just can't figure it out.
Lastly, a school update.
I drew this picture of my family for Japanese class:
Yesterday, we were supposed to talk about our families and I was thinking I'd go early on, but raising hands does not come naturally to me. In any case, I was ready, and I began raising my hand higher each time. Finally the teacher said "three more people" and on that second one I legit rose my hand so that it was immistakable... and she was looking at the other side of the classroom and called on someone else. And then she STOPPED. After saying 3 people she only called 2... I was moderately upset about that. Not only does it mean I have to wait in EAGER ANTICIPATION OF STANDING IN FRONT OF MY CLASS, it means I didn't get the "courageous do it on the first day bonus" that teachers like to give.
Oh well. Bygones are bygones.
As for school in general, gee, it's winding down. Three weeks remain. I keep thinking of how things will change toward the end of the semester with weather and such but suddenly I'm on the cusp of it!
After I turn in this analysis for Creative Writing, I only have a few smaller assignments, revision, and the portfolio left.
In Japanese there are some tests and culture reports and review.
In geography I'm headed toward the last test which will be the end of it.
In History, once I take my final test on Monday, I only have to finish one book report.
I skipped an extra credit assignment in geography, which says something about my confidence in that class. It's improved! I did well on my last test, and everyone got extra points in the first two tests because teachers like to have a C average. So my self-predicted B in that class miiiiiiight become a low A!
Well, that's the little stories. Now I have to write up the "bigger" ones.
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
(from dictionary.com)