As I suspected, my blogging has been way less frequent with school and all. Also, tumblr has been stealing my attention when I have free time. I feel like there's more of a general audience there (more of a chance to have people see what I say than just people who know my blog), but it's also an audience that won't agree with most of what I have to say.
So there's that. I just want to be on the computer less. I'm not on the computer much on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but then I have school to use the computer for in the mornings and on the rest of the days of the week plus I get all tired of studying so I take "little breaks" and I just wish that the internet wasn't so available or so interesting. XD
Well, enough about my depressing lack of motivation to go outside and have adventures. Tomorrow I'm going to a japanese cultural festival! I'm dragging Kelsey and Justin with me. I will have my camera so hopefully I shall return with wonderful photos to share.
I'm slowly working on developing characters for my still-yet-to-be-titled superhero story, and I love them so much, my gosh. I shall love them more as I really get to know them. Their personalities are pretty easy to get a running start with, since they're largely based on my family and best friends, the people I already know and observe like, ALL THE TIME.
Also I have ideas for NaNoWriMo so that's good.
And just randomly, I'd like to do a goal review.
New Years Resolutions:
No Soda Pop. WELL. I have not consumed a straight bottle of soda or can of soda or anything of the sort. I have had three to five cherry limeades from Sonic, which are made with Sprite, but I'm not counting those, especially since they're something I consider "special."
Sit Under Trees More: Well, anything is more than never! I think I've legit sat under about four trees so far this year. As in, on the ground, up against the trunk. I'm talking down and dirty in the nature and the bugs which is why this goal was kind of out of my comfort zone. But it seemed like such a beautiful thing to do that I've done it anyway.
School year goals. I'm halfway through the semester, about, so this is like a quarter-of-the-time-period inspection. 8D (I've forgotten my goals so any progress is probably unconscious, excuse me while I go find that post)
Manage my time well. HMMMMM. Well seeing as I've been getting everything done in plenty of time, schoolwise, I think I'm doing pretty okay. But I still feel majorly unproductive, especially on days at home. I don't feel like I have time for much else than school, since it's plagued with a severe case of internet distraction.
Eat Healthy, Exercise Regularly: AW MAN BAD CLAIRE I think I've actually lost ground here. Exercise is one of those things that I never seem to have time for. I haven't played DDR much at all. I have a standing desk now but I use the stool a lot. I try to stand while working at school if I can, but it is really hard to take history notes when you've got to switch between your notes and the text and there's no table that high. Food is probably about average, but I'm not eating as many veggies as I wish I was. I think I'm bored with our fresh options (carrot, celery, bell peppers, spinach) most of the time. Sometimes we get other stuff, but then stuff like zuchinni usually needs to be processed somehow. I've been eating trail mix like every day which actually isn't all that healthy, but it's the best snack I can think of. I can't stand chips as a regular snack. Maybe once in a while.
Purposefully Bring Things to God Throughout the Day: I feel like I am doing terribly, awfully at this. I really want to be having that sort of running constant dialogue with God that is exemplified by Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof. But my brain feels so packed with stuff that I forget to pray. Like, a lot. I'll ponder the morality of things and have philosophical thoughts but it's like I'm leaving God out of it, which is not how it should be. Leah said something recently about when you put God first, all that other craziness sort of falls into place. I want to get to that point. My brain is not made to function like this. It feels so crowded and crazy and wrong. I really want to be doing things (drawing, organizing) that are productive but allow my thoughts to be free for prayer and fanciful thinking.
Have More Genuine Love for People and Treat Them As Jesus Would: judging from the disdainful half-glance-half-glare that I shot at the group of random strangers who called out to me at school for I-have-no-idea-why, I'm not particularly inclined to be kind to people. I know I have a problem with not really liking people in general. Not really disliking them (unless they give me reason), but just having no real opinion or caring about them at all. I'm intrigued by the people I'm intrigued by and then the rest are just there, and whether I'm nice or not really is determined by a bunch of outside factors and not really from a genuine love for people. I don't know if introversion or extroversion has much to do with your attitude towards people or if I'm just a heartless human being, but to show Jesus' love to people, I'm still needing a lot of improvement in that area.
Obviously I fall far short of perfect. But then again, my focus shouldn't be on perfection so much as on Jesus. Imitating Him and letting Him work through me will lead to the changing of my heart, so I really really really need to work on that first and foremost.
Well, it's eleven and I'm really tired of being awake so I'm going to go crash in my bed. Nothing to really keep me up. I've already drawn today, I know I don't have the capacity to write either of the stories I want to, and I'm going to refuse to get on tumblr any more today.
Sorry for the brain dump. Now you know the deepest darkest secrets of my heart (more like I'm being honest and showing you lovely internet folk who never read my blog that I totally don't have it altogether despite whatever it looks like to a random observer.)
I have the same problem with talking to God constantly. But one thing I heard someone say recently is that prayer doesn't have to necessarily be "talking" to God. It can be admiration, or just offering your day to him in the morning. But I really struggle with this too ;–;
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the loving people thing, loving people doesn't necessarily mean being nice to them. I think it's more of your Thinking-ness than your introvertedness that is the factor in this case. Love isn't so much a feeling, as a choice. Choosing to love them is different than feeling love towards them. Doing what's best for them (which is love) rather than doing what is kind or nice is better for them in the long run. So that's my 2 cents.
Goals are lifelong, so don't feel bad if you don't get them all. I certainly haven't…
Yeah, I just feel like I tend to be rather dry when I do pray and I forget to way too much.
DeleteAnd mmhmm I know love is a choice. I'm not wanting to feel fuzzy and hug everyone. Ew. But I often don't care about what's good for others. Just because I'm not usually intentionally mean doesn't make it okay to act like other people don't matter. -sigh-