All the stuff

Friday, October 12, 2012


In youth group last week, our leader (Mert) was talking about how we've been given all this power and ammo and bazookas or whatever. Jesus told us we could ask for anything in His name. That's some explosions waiting to happen right there. Mert also mentioned asking for things that weren't "safe." Examples of a safe prayer: "God, be with me today." "Bring Yourself glory." Etc. Things that you don't even have to imagine wouldn't happen.
But we really should be praying for hard things, too. (Well, they're easy for God, but we avoid asking for them because we think of them as hard and we're afraid that they won't be answered.) Things like someone you know is dying of cancer, or you need some extra money for the rent, or praying for someone's injury. These are the dangerous, specific, ones. He told us about a thing he and his friends did for a time where they put all their risky prayers into a bowl or book or something and they just all prayed about them and they were all answered. It was pretty neat.

Well, during all that, this is what I drew:
It's probably obvious, but it's a person bringing all their stuff to God... the dangerous stuff and the boring stuff (notice the file cabinet... never a sign of excitement), the useful stuff and a lot of ambiguous lumps. Anyway, laying down the challenge.

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.