All the stuff

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Daily Little Things

(At first I named the post August. How time does fly. WAHHH)

Here is an overview of my month (which actually took its time getting by--applause for you, October).
1. an amazing instant of a sunset.
2. air is really cooling
3. tortillas rock; skipped class
4. too much free time; SHAKESPEARE
5. picture for person (I honestly don't remember what this was...? Maybe I was trying to be ambiguous in case someone saw it. It was probably a secret project... OH WAIT I REMEMBER NOW I drew a picture during the worship night that I felt like God was leading me to give to a lady who had been having a rough time.)
6. sonic; youth group
7. Nice and cold; didn't feel compelled to finish dessert
8. Parking ticket; but good weather
9. had free time (though not much to do with it)
10. Zucchini Grillini
11. rainy; water bluer, skies greyer; skatingg
12. library; two lunches whoops
13. moustache journal~
14. the colors were splendid today
15. we opened up the house; class got out early
16. weather was really nice (overcast, drizzly, chilly); nanowrimo idea
17. Amazing sunset, ice cream
18. cool sunny weather; phone call with Bethany; extra time
19. today was actually pretty boring but I ate tortellini
20. Aki Matsuri; moustaching; hilarious stories
fun to make even if it turned out strange
21. perry the platypus cake (see above)
22. today was an okay day
23. po   ta    to
24. wrote short story
25. sunshine in my hair
26. COLD!! got christmas ideas
27. lots of walking
28. Link with moustache
29. studied Japanese with plushies
30. got some library manga
31. got the Avengers display

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.