All the stuff

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Good News!

A. I took my parking citation (see last post) to the campus police and they changed it to a warning, since I had my parking permit with me and had just forgotten it. But I was told not to forget again. THERE WAS AN UNDERLYING STRICTNESS and it would have been very intimidating had I not been gleeful over the saving of 25 dollars. That's like 25 one dollar breakfast burritos. That's almost a month of poorly balanced and barely sufficient breakfasts, but still almost a month of breakfasts.
25 employees could have had a cheap burrito party on me but they gave it up so that I could eat ;^; (I did not use this reasoning with them but it might have made a good story)

B. The Japanese test was today. The first one. I feel like I did really well! Also, hardly any homework.

C. Math was easy. I finished all my homework but one problem already. Mostly in class... ^^;

D. I changed my iPod's default language to British English. Now I can spell theatre as I wish with no angry red underlines~

E. The weather is managing to stay cool. I had to laugh at how it gets down to the seventies and low eighties and everyone has a jacket (including me). I wonder how many of them have the jackets because they're cold, and how many (like me) just jump at the chance to wear oh-so-cozy long sleeves without sweating. c:

And now for a little bit of bad news before everyone starts thinking my life is beautiful:

My dad said to me today that maybe we should think about getting me a car. I know what you're thinking. "That's not bad news!!!!"

a) I don't like driving
b) cars are expensive to buy in the first place
c) and then there's insurance, registration, maintenance, gasoline, parking fees
d) cars are HUGE and take up a lot of space

Sure, I drive a lot now. But I want to bike and take the bus once I live in the city. My dad says it's impractical and I don't realize how un-simple it would be.

My dad is not planning to become a starving artist and my dad doesn't hate driving. Also you don't usually have to pay to park a bike and even though you have to pay for the bus it's less than even just the gasoline part of the expenses listed in b and c above. 

BLAHHHHHHHH the expectation that I will have a car is a ZOMBIE -shoots-


  1. I'll just use your car when we move out. :) Don't worry, gas is on me. :P

    1. Hah, I'm still going to argue for not getting one though. DX

      Though if I am forced to have a car, yes you can drive it. XD


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.