And so I pull up and turn off the car... except the car won't go off. The music keeps playing and I can't remove the key. When I turn it the motor won't rev up. I'm stuck! I can't let go of the brake because the spot is kind of tilted and the car would roll. I put the emergency brake on (after all, that's what it's for . . . ) and panic for a bit. This is a new car! It shouldn't be malfunctioning! The music not stopping is driving me crazy so I eject the disk and try to think, still keeping my foot on the brake just in case and turning the key multiple times even though it does nothing. This had happened to me in the old car before. I couldn't remember why! Would I have to call my parents and wait for them to come get me? God! What is happening?!* I was really freaking out.
Somehow I glance at the gear shift and feel kind of dumb. Yes, now I remember. That's what happened in the last car that one time. I was still in Drive... so I shift to park, take the key out, and then get worried that something will be messed up because everything is in a weird order. So I turn the car back on, release the emergency brake, back up a bit, and pull forward and brake and THEN put it in park and THEN did the emergency brake. Finally, I am parked, and I'm so done with the car.
I gather my things... and drop my water bottle. No biggie except... the parking spot is tilted (as I mentioned before) and the bottle rolls beneath the car. I go to the other side of the car, because even if it didn't roll straight out, it should be reachable...
So I debate my possibilities. I could back out, leave the car in the middle of the parking lot, and then get the bottle, and then put the car back. I could leave the bottle there but then I'd get thirsty and it would just sit there getting dirty. Besides, I'd have to leave the car out in the middle of the lot later anyway. Or I could talk to a stranger and recruit someone to grab it for me when I back out.
So um, that's what I did. Poor lady, though. Imagine this happening to you:
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I mean, I must have looked really strange (I have very little fashion sense). |
...I promise I won't be as lazy as I was on the illustrations for this post.
*(This is the same as if you were saying "Mom! What is happening?!" I'm pretty sure that's how people got started just slinging "god" and variations of such around so casually... it was probably sincere at first and then turned into an expression. But you can be sure that if I say something like that I literally mean it as a prayer...)
Haha that is hilarious and frustrating at the same time. I've had a lot of car experiences similar to that. Once me and mom went to pick my dad up from work and I was dropping my mom off so they could go on a date and I would drive home by myself. My mom parked near the buses cuz my dad works at UT and she put the flashers on to let the buses know she wouldn't be there very long. So I let her out and started to pull out, when I realized the flashers were still on and I had no idea how to turn them off. I drove all the way down MLK yelling at the car and freaking out cuz people would think I was in trouble or something or just stupid because I left my flashers on. I finally pulled into AHOP and called mom asking how to turn them off. Turns out the button was right in front of me Dx I hate stuff like that…