All the stuff

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Three Ladies

Today on the way to youth group, Justin and Kelsey and me (but mostly me) made up three ladies.

Linda is in her late forties to early fifties. All of her children have left the nest and she is trying to get some girl friends to hang out with. She has plain straight brown hair and it's shoulder length. She makes jokes that aren't really that funny.

However, Maggie thinks they're HEE-LARIOUS. Maggie gets a kick out of everything. She's in her 50s but she acts like she's in her late twenties... kind of. Her husband, George, was a dream boat when she married him, and she says now he's more of a dream raft but "I do love him so." She's all southern and has bouncy blonde curls. She's worried that she's getting fat because she and George eat meatballs all the time (they're his favorite).

Gertrude is a grumpy old lady who finds nothing amusing and basically just sits in the backseat being negative. She never married and always wears frumpy, old dresses in boring or ugly colors and prints, not just to church and special occasions, but everywhere. Her salt-and-pepper hair is in that really short, curly, old lady style. She's friends with the other two because everybody else doesn't want to be around her, but Maggie thinks Gertrude is the sweetest lady she ever met.

Also I walked a lot today and the sky looked flat and it was chilly and the world was positively lovely and I didn't get all sad like sometimes used to happen so everything's pretty cool right now. I have some pretty great friends and potential friends.


  1. I liked them all, but Gertrude made me laugh the most. Who made her?

    1. Well, I did; it was pretty much just me but Kelsey and Justin contributed some and were present so I included them. XD


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.