All the stuff

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A one half introverted christmas

The introverted part of my holiday is coming to a close. I slept until nine, stayed in bed until nearly eleven, drank tea outside, and decided to stay out a bit more.

I took a good walk and threw my apple core in a culvert because heck, it can decompose, and there were PEOPLE at the park (good on them) and that was the only dumpster on my route.

And I WALKED THROUGH a bigger culvert and prayed a good bit and enjoyed the chilly windy weather and frowned upon Texas for still being warm enough for a bit of sweating. Bluh.

But my grandparents will arrive any moment or perhaps have just recently come and I will be forced to partake in the crazy food and stuff scrambles with thirteen other human beings yay.

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
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