All the stuff

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year!

I'll be starting off the new year with a clean room and a clean desk.
The room wasn't so hard. I hadn't touched my desk pretty much all break. But now it's clean and my computer is back out of my room, so productivity might be increasing soon.

My desk display has gotten a lot more timey-wimey:

Does this make my doll the companion and the orange guy the Doctor?

 I don't think I've ever shown my desk. It's super cool. Standing height. People sit too much. The desk itself is basically a counter top. The sides are book shelves. I have the fun stuff in the right corner, the "inbox" in the left, and my computer plus some space (that is not empty at the moment) in the middle.
The stool is for if I can't stand anymore. XD
I said my room was clean. By that, I mean it's organized and everything is put away.
Take a look at that picture above. Yep. The right side is my black carpet's usual unfortunate state. The left side is after I attempted to vacuum. Can you see why I gave up?
I've never liked a vacuum since the big old noisy bag vacuum that stopped working. This one especially is cheap and hardly holds anything before it needs to be dumped. I can literally SEE it spitting dust out, and it obviously picks nothing up without a million and one passes. Plus it was making a funny noise. Oh well. I'm used to the chaff.

New Years Resolutions. Ah, yes. Those things.
This year I resolved to not drink soda and to sit under trees more. Here is the result.
I probably sat under less than ten trees (mostly it's because bugs.) However, that's more than the nothing that I had in previous years!
I succeeded in not drinking a single can or bottle of soda. It wasn't bad at all. However, I did allow myself some cherry limeades from Sonic despite the fact that they are /mostly/ soda. I also had a swallow of some mostly-soda punch at a party before I realized what I was doing.
I think I'll continue not drinking soda. I didn't really miss it--just like I haven't missed meat since becoming a vegetarian-minus-bacon. (happily, I'm starting to savor bacon less. My dad is appalled; it was the only thing we had in common anymore. /sarcasm)


a) Quell my use of useless speech fillers, such as "like."
b) Use correct grammar and punctuation in general on the Internet, even when I'm being silly. (However, I will still talk in all caps and use run-on sentences.)
c) Move to Austin. More and more I'm needing to be closer to school, good jobs, etc. Plans are forming.

listen to that beautiful noise. -listens-
Did I have any other resolutions?
Ah yes.
d) Get back on track with eating healthy and being active. Walking more; eating whole grains and lots of vegetables and fruits.
Oh and
e) Make some substantial and concrete progress on Fledge Fighters, hopefully launching it.

Ways I have changed this year?
I've entered spheres of the world that I am not entirely comfortable in. Rather than turning tail and running, I hope to keep my mind and heart pure by giving my troubles to God, and perhaps I can claim a small area of the wayward places for Him.
I've learned a lot about myself and why I am the way I am. MBTI is really fun. I've come to appreciate all the characters that God has made.
I've grown into my geek world, I think. No longer am I only a fan of anime and manga; my horizons have expanded. I'm also definitely a member of the God fandom. (I once saw someone use that term to mock Christians but I think it's true and not a bad thing. I love finding out new things about the story He's writing, even if I get apathetic at times.)
I've developed my own drawing style; this relates to manga/anime not being my only genre anymore.
Wow, I've blogged a lot!
I've affirmed the direction I want to grow in.
I've come to appreciate semicolons.

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.