All the stuff

Sunday, December 2, 2012

GIMP and the horrors of going digital

I got GIMP this weekend. It's an open-source image editing program, like a poor-man's photoshop.

I used it to make this for my daughter a friend:

 referenced: [x]
The lines were drawn on paper and scanned, but all that coloring was done in GIMP and I began using a technique I wish I had been using LONG BEFORE now, because it would have worked on too. But now that I've got GIMP, I probably don't even need pixlr anymore.

The only thing I don't like about it is how the zoom works, and that I can't see a small version of the picture on the sidebar for easy navigation of dragging a box around the smaller version. Everything's all click and scroll.

So GIMP is cool. Thumbs up. Best part? It's free! And it doesn't take a lot of space.

I still like drawing on paper immensely more, but when it comes to bold colors/graphics for the web, digital coloring is a lot faster and neater. Never fear! I am determined to not become one of the masses who does all their work digitally.
I kind of think that if I had a tablet, though, I'd be doing a lot of actual drawing on the computer too...
The idea is one of those things that is kind of unappealing, but also not all bad.

I don't like that I (and the rest of humanity) spend so much time on the computer. I wish I could be outside more than I am, and it's ridiculous that I don't just close the darn TARDIS already. (My lappy is named the TARDIS.)

I ought to start limiting my time again. I guess. I wish I had more self control.

I'm doing something called "25 days of fic" where I write a fanfiction a day based on a christmas/winter prompt. I may post them on this blog. I've been putting them on my tumblr. I might do more of a composite, though, where I post five at a time. That sounds good. That will mean I have five groups of five. Five is a good number.



    1. I will! Every five days I will post five stories. c:

    2. L funny you should meantion GIMP now because I've had it for two years XD It is great, I use it for photoshop, but I'm not going digital with it.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.