All the stuff

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So here's an update on my boring life.

I have so much free time at school now that it is frustrating. See, I have plenty of stuff I need to do... finish Christmas presents, clean my room and bathroom and desk, finish projects... and I can't do any of it at school! Today I brought a book that I have had checked out for I don't know how long. I finally finished it.

"The Two Princesses of Bamarre" is a book by Gail Carson Levine. She was my favorite childhood author, so I wanted to reread some of her stuff (Ella Enchanted is still on my shelf.) See, I loved how she took fairy tales and re-imagined them. How she took the story I'd heard a million times and did a different take on it. Now, I believe that the Two Princesses was an original to her. I enjoyed it well enough. I mean, the romance was cheesy, but it wasn't a bad story. I could predict a lot of what happened, but I have a feeling that it's only because I remembered from reading it in the past.
I can't say I loooooooved reading it, but I'd still heartily recommend it to kids. Good stuff.

It's  kind of cool to see that when I was a kid I already liked the authors who turned the ordinary on its head. One of my favorite authors now is Douglas Adams for that very reason--though he does it more with language than with plot (honestly, I think I enjoy that better because it's so fun to read minus the sometimes not-so-nice words).

Ummmm hm. Today I felt like burping. A lot. For some reason there was a ton of air or gas in my stomach. But the burps were just lingering in my throat. It wasn't very pleasant.

Since even after all that reading I had like, forty five minutes, I sat and watched the rest of the Sherlock episode I have on my iPod. Someone sat next to me who I didn't know and they were blind and they tried to make conversation but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone (I hardly ever am) and so I left and I felt bad about it later and I mean, I would have done it to anyone probably, but they probably get lonely a lot, I don't know... I guess they chose a terrible benchmate. :\

I have this worry in the back of my mind that I did badly on the Japanese oral exam. I felt okay about it afterwards, but I messed up more than a little and I know we didn't cover everything on the study sheet so I hope she didn't just decide I was done because I did do some stuff right too...
Before the oral exam the guy I have been sitting near in class happened by so we went over it because his turn was next and I was after him so I guess maybe that prepared me since I realized  I didn't know the material quite as well as I thought I did, so when I actually didn't do so well, it wasn't a shock.

There are a lot more guys than girls in the Japanese class. I wonder why. (That was not sarcasm, I really don't have a clue.)

My nose was also stuffy and drippy all day and by the time I got home my head was stuffy but it cleared once I was in my room for a bit.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Christmas lights to hang in my room. <3 br="br">


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, especially the burping and randomness of the whole thing. :) I didn't laugh at the dripping nose, because I share your pain.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.