Blogger tells me this is my 401th post but IT IS A LIE because one of those posts has been a draft forever and I haven't ever published it.
So post number 400 is about...
A MOVIE (what else, really? :P)
I watched Despicable Me with my siblings. I wasn't expecting to like it. But it was actually really sweet. c: The minions were cute, the important things were important, etc. It definitely could have done without the crude humor though. I don't understand why people feel the need for this kind of thing. ANYWAY, all in all I liked it.
Another thing I did today was to make up villains with a couple siblings, color pictures with Judah, etc. I saw Bethany briefly as she drove through my neighborhood. I didn't get a whole lot done, though, because I've been staying up too late and sleeping in too much and so I didn't get up until the morning was gone. But hm.
Uneventful 400th post. -shrug-
Five hundred will have to be something awesome. Five and its multiples are my favorite. :D
~congrats on your 400th post!! ^^ I LOVE Despicable me!!!! Especially the song at the beginning.~