All the stuff

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The daily life of a ninja.

The media seems to have these misconceptions about ninja. Drawing on well known examples, we have Naruto (loud, noisy, wears orange), Lego Ninjago lego people who have elemental tornado powers or something... I don't get why my brothers watch this stuff... XD
And of course there's the 'classic' ninja, wearing all black and blah blah blah. Nobody seems to understand that they can never depict ninja correctly because you cannot see a ninja. Unless the ninja wants to make his or her presence known, the only way that you will realize they are there is the fact that you have just been assassinated.
Luckily, I have some connections and got to follow a ninja around for a day, photographing a few of his activities. We both hope that this clears up the misconceptions around ninja.
I met Joe (name changed for anonymity) early one morning at his favorite training area. Here is a picture of him gliding over the surface of a lake. Notice that he leaves no trace of his having been there:
Next, we went to meet his girlfriend at a cafe.
She didn't show, but Joe says this is common for ninja. She may have been killed in battle.
Joe went on assignments for most of the day, but for my safety he forced me to stay about a mile away each time.

This is Joe feeding a duck. He has a soft spot for animals.

After work, he went "home" to chill. He apparently lives in the homes of people he's assasinated-- this was the den of his latest kill.

 Getting dinner.

 Getting some laundry done.

 Joe stole my camera and snapped a couple self-portraits- Look at that friendly grin.

After a hard day's work, Joe likes to relax, just like the rest of us.

I hope this has proved to be enlightening to all you lovely blog-readers... Don't let ninja continue to be stereotyped. Let's get the truth out.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.