All the stuff

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My lovely room!

I just cleaned my room over a period of several days, and I think it looks nice. It's at its almost best right now. The floor isn't vacuumed, but whatever. All you hypothetical readers might not care too much, but this is for the curious. And for me. Because I read my blog too.
In case the pictures are confusing, my room is L-shaped and has no windows. Because of its one escape route in case of fire, it's not technically a bedroom. More like a storage area where I sleep and write and draw and play and do everything except look out a window. Also, the floor is black and I like cutting up paper. This leads to a strained relationship.

MY DOOR: This is where I put pictures and words. There are all sorts of things on here.

GENERAL VIEW: This is what you see when you first come in. The mirror will eventually be on the closet door, but I don't have any 3M strips at the moment.

 THE SHELVES: My books, art supplies, and some school things live here. The top shelf is home to my small collection of dolls and other toys (I am a kid at heart). The next shelf down has a candle, two sticks which I brought home on two different occasions, a white box that hides my unsightly schoolwork, and a lovely piece of art by the talented Audrey. Next shelf down is my books and a few CD's, games, DVD's etc. Right underneath that is the art shelf, and the bottom one is my school supplies, reference notebooks, etc. To the left you can see my huge pile of borrowed books which I need to get cracking on. Below that are the speakers, and they play whatever I tell them to like obedient cucumbers.

THE CLOSET: This is mostly storage stuff. I guess there's not really much to explain. This is just about the only place in my room where I have 'junk', but I have to keep it somewhere.

THE WALL: This is a kind of art project I made. The three large matted things were made by me a long time ago using a copier machine and flowers/leaves (heh), and most of the rest is stuff other people drew for me or that I printed. Most of the drawn artwork is near the bottom left. Bethany drew the picture of me with purple jeans, Emma drew me in the TARDIS, and Peggy supplied the lovely Tangled coloring page right above the poster with the bokeh. I drew the doodle with the stop sign.

THE INSIDE OF THE DOOR: This is where you see my jackets and my jellyfish. Yup, that's about it.

 THE OTHER WALL: Here we see a guitar case wearing a wig (I haven't even learned to play guitar yet, I just like having it sit there with purple hair), a magnet board with cosplay notes, a tiny lap desk sort of thing, and yeah. In the second picture you can see my computer and some blankets and also that long board thing that I decided to put stuff on so that it wasn't just left on the floor.

THE SLEEPING ALCOVE: Here we see the nice little nook that I get to fall asleep in every night. I like the colors of it very much.
 Now that I've finished this blog post, I can go snooze. :3

By the way, the lack of window makes it really hard to get up. And I have to leave at nine thirty tomorrow for play practice. And it's one thirty now. I... don't think I'm getting eight hours tonight.


  1. Oh my. I love your room, I really do. It's so /you/, and just asdfghjklmnop, and I want to visit your house right now so I can see it all with my own eyes. XDD I am overall just astounded by the loveliness that is your tastes + your room.

    (also that's a pretty awesome candle in the second picture where'd you get it? 8D)

    Also, do you ever get confused and feel like it's night or morning or something when really it's not? O:

    1. I'm glad it reflects my personality. 8D

      Oh and the candle I got from my fictional mum. You wouldn't know her.

      I don't get confused on time of day much because I sleep at night and rarely take naps.

    2. Ooh, well your fictional mum sounds pretty darn awesome. :D You must be very lucky to have her.

      Awww, but where's the adventure in that? (Psht I wish I could take the windows out of my room for a day. I could probably wreak so much havoc on my internal clock that way, judging by how many times I end up napping. X3)

    3. For some reason it wouldn't let me comment for the past two days D: But I love your room too, and it is very you :3. I also love the TARDIS sign on your door. <3


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.