Taking breaks can be a good thing, but they can also be a bad thing.
For example, the Sabbath is a good kind of break. It's a day to set aside from work and to dedicate to God (though the latter is admittedly difficult to do).
With things like healthy eating, however, I have learned that I can't take a break. Last night, as everyone knows, was the Super Bowl. I had already eaten mostly "okay" foods that day, and I figured that along with the pizza for dinner, I would eat some vegetables or something. But when my dad started making hot wings and my mom and I went to the store for tortilla chips because I wanted nachos and then I came home to smell of things deep frying... I threw my hands up. Give me one night to stuff my face with enriched bleached flour, fake cheese, and corn syrup, and that will be it.
Later, after eating at least twice the amount I needed to and nothing healthy except my fruit smoothie replacing a soda (I swore off soda as a New Years resolution), I decided some DDR would help me feel better about it. No such luck. Maybe forty five minutes later, I felt sick and very tired. I felt so nasty that I completely regretted eating all that. It wasn't the good kind of pain, you know, like when you come home from skating with friends and you have blisters all over your feet but it's totally worth it.
So to all you other health food nuts out there... Don't feel bad for mostly only eating the better stuff and limiting your portions while everyone else eats a ton of deep fried stuff. Stuffing your face is kind of overrated. It doesn't turn out to be as fun as it looks.
Another thing it isn't good to take breaks on is good habit. Getting up early, having a daily quiet time, exercising... These are all habits I've tried to form and have succeeded in for some amount of time (quiet time being the longest, and exercising the shortest). But once I start with the "just today, I'll skip" and I don't see any immediate consequences (like I did with the junk food), it is so easy to slip out of habit again.
Well, there's my thoughts on breaks and habits and such. I'm planning to do a post on time and scheduling soon, which is kinda related, I guess.
Bahh, you're so right. XD I've noticed the same thing about myself; whenever I try to let go for just one day, I'm suddenly back in all my old and unhealthy habits. I guess that means we all need to me much more consistent than this, BUT IT'S SO HARD.