It has been a long time since I could wholeheartedly recommend a TV show. I started watching it because I love pasta and I want to watch or read any drama or anime or manga involving it. I didn't have high expectations because psshh all dramas are the same. I am happy to report that I was very impressed. Language is light and scarce, and the good aspects of the show most definitely redeem any low points it encounters.
Basically, it's a boy and a girl and I'm not good at summaries but things happen, okay?
This Taiwanese drama shows encouraging examples of supportive and loving families, mending broken relationships, and sticking with your goals even if they seem impossible. The FMC's sweet simplicity combined with the MC's adorable teasing makes a cute but stressful relationship unfold.
If it was only a romance, I might not be so inclined to like it so much (although it did have me squealing at several points >w<), but it is also ridiculously funny--as in it is so ridiculous it's hilarious.
The supporting characters are unique and diverse; they each have endearing factors (or things that make you really dislike them), and they always make me shake my head or clap my hands or laugh aloud. They do not blend together because each of them is a whole character, a separate person.
While it's true that mostly only girls would be interested in such a show, I can recommend it to anybody with maturity- that means from 13 up well it's probably fine. There are only a few incidences in which younger viewers may need some guidance, but I have no qualms about saying THIS DRAMA IS SEVENTEEN EPISODES OF PERFECTION*
*Almost... the last episode has a scene that's a bit more awkward than I expected of this series. That's what you get for writing your review before finishing completely~ But I still recommend the series as a whole. :'D
I am /going/ to watch this adorable squee thing.