Well, today is the last day of February. This will be my twenty ninth post for February 2012. Now, that's not a post-per-day--I don't really have that much consistency. Some days have provided me with three posts, others none. I'm okay with that. I'm not really a person of habit--too much structure and I feel walled in. What impresses me is that this is going to be my forty-first post of the year. This is more than I've blogged most years since I started this blog in 2009.
Back then, I just wanted a place to post my AMV's--because my dad wouldn't let me have a YouTube account (still no luck with that.) Of course, I was then informed that it was technically not... quite... legal... to use other people's music in a video you post without some kind of agreement and I felt bad and took down the only one I had posted. Those copyright laws are tricky. >__>
Anyway, Bethany and I soon after posted some anime dubbing we had done for fun (our own audio, so no audio copyright infringement!) and I posted for... about a month. Then it was down to one or two a month or none at all.
Those are not posts I'm extremely proud of, stylistically or grammatically. However, I was writing, so I guess it's fine.
2010 saw one or two posts a month... except July which had 14 and October which had nine.
2011... May saw the most activity with five posts, but I only blogged 21 times that year. Meh.
Until this year, blogging was something I remembered to do sometimes and got around to even less frequently. I don't know what changed, but... Oh wait, let me see.
On January 13, I had a revelation of sorts and posted (like countless other times) that I should blog more. But this time I took it to heart. I realized that I had thoughts to get out there, and so often I just forgot about them the next time I sat down at the computer because there was so much else to do like... go stalk someone on facebook. Talk about a sad existence! Even though a lot of the time I don't feel like what I'm blogging about is especially interesting or important, it's doing several things, and this is a habit I'd like to keep up.
Blogging is helping me to:
Write more. I like writing. It's how I express myself most often.
Stop wasting my time on Facebook, etc. Early in February I realized that most things I was saying on Facebook I could say on my blog--There's nothing wrong with a short post! But when I have a lot of space to write it, I find that more comes out and suddenly I have three hundred words or so. Plus, it's only being said to those people who actively seek out what I have to say (or those who stumble upon it and probably don't care).
Observe and mull over things more. If I see something cool, I want to blog it! If I get a good idea, I want to blog about it! This is a way I can record thoughts that run through my head, talk things out to myself, get deeper than the surface. Even though other people can see it, I think I mostly blog so that I have a record of my life to look back on--I'm kind of forgetful.
Well, I guess the point of this post is to point out that I'm posting. You probably don't need all this to tell you that, but future me will hopefully be impressed. Hi, future me!
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
(from dictionary.com)