All the stuff

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Driving and losing consciousness (not at the same time!)

Today I drove one of my eleven year old classmates to an extra theatre practice we needed to go to. Needless to say, I drove super-carefully. The fact that I had someone to be accountable for whose safety was in my hands was heavy on my mind and it affected the way I did things. It didn't seem like I was driving any differently than normal--all the movements were the same. But my attitude was very different. I feel like there's probably a lesson about stewardship in there somewhere, but my brain is tired, so you can think it out for yourself. It's just what was on my mind to blog about.

Oh, and I fainted this morning. :D

Don't worry, I'm just fine! This happens from time to time when I stand up too fast. It's probably a blood pressure thing... Most of the time I just black out for a second and don't fall over, but it all depends on if I have something to hold on to when I feel it coming on. I vaguely remember hitting my head but I don't remember falling and then I came to on the floor with my head against the wall. I looked it up and apparently the reason for blacking out (and sometimes falling over) is that when you change position too quickly, you don't have enough blood in your brain. The best way to get more there is for you to be laying down. So your body makes you lay down. Cool! I didn't know that. Usually when I feel a blackout coming on, I just grab onto something and then if I fall then I fall (that's only happened about three times though).
Next time though, I think I'll just try sitting down. That way it won't hurt me as much when I fall over! Not that it hurt much. I just bonked my head on the wall, and I have a hard head. ^o^

1 comment:

  1. THAT SOUNDS FRIGHTENING but you don't seem alarmed by it, so I'll just let myself be intrigued instead. I almost fainted once, but the doctors decided to wave salt in my face instead of letting me pass out.
    Che, and it's a very good thing that the driving and fainting didn't occur simultaneously. XD


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.