So a while ago, Audrey helped me to make the beginnings of my Link costume. The tunic is finished except for the collar which I need to iron flat and then sew together. The base shirt is finished except for the shoelace that will make the drawstring-thing... though I want to see if it would be better to try a thinner shirt before I sew that on. A turtleneck might get too warm.
I have a nice pair of white leggings thanks to mi madre--the ones I had from a thrift shop were too big-- and I have a nice pair of nondescript boots that would go fine with the costume.
Shadow is making the sword (and shield? o:) so I won't have to carry them in a plane. I have a plastic bottle I can put food coloring and water in... I just need a cork.
I also need gloves and belts.
Two brown belts with the right kind of buckles.
One pair of thin brown gloves that won't fray when I cut the fingers off (or fingerless to begin with). And then I'll need to add some sort of cuff around the forearm over top of them.
One cork that will fit my plastic bottle. I'm afraid that a bright yellow-orange cap doesn't quite work with the idea.
Possibly a different undershirt. I'll see about that.
The knowledge of and ability to fix my hair and makeup to look appropriate.
And possibly a little Navi or other props.
These are what I need within the month. Yeeeeeeeesh ACen is in like almost a month, yikes.
I'll start on all this next week, because this week is busy. Today, Tuesday, is the only day I don't have play-related activities. The performances are Friday and Saturday. Yikes! Wish me luck (or better yet, pray for me! o:)
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.