All the stuff

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I'm procrastinating right now.

I love open windows. I love it when the weather is nice and we open up the house. I really wish I had a window sometimes.

Sure, it's nice to be able to sleep at any time of day, but that has its downside too in that I have become a huge night owl. I've been better at it recently, but I feel like if the sun was in my window every morning I would be more easily convinced to crawl out of bed by seven and therefore force myself to go to sleep at eleven. Also, if I had a window, my room wouldn't be so stuffy.

I cleaned my bathroom today. It gets kind of gross but after I clean it and I open up the window to let all those chemicals air out, it's lovely to be in there in the mornings and evenings to hear the sound of the cars rushing by on the highway. It's a soothing noise, somehow.

I like my bathroom (when it's clean and neat). It's mostly white, and then pretty much everything else is a shade of blue, purple, green, or silver, right down to the tubes of toothpaste and acne medication (wish I didn't need that stuff... XP).

I also cleaned my room and I hope that for my birthday I can get a youtube account and possibly start videoblogging.

The thing I'm looking forward to the most about being seventeen is watching Hetalia, I think. I've been itching to see it recently since I've been learning about World War II in history. But alas, I am forced to wait since it's rated TV-MA... A lot of people say that rating is unwarranted though. Kids watch it (not that that's any excuse, but still). Mom's gonna watch it with me anyway (OMG MY MOM WANTS TO WATCH AN ANIME WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH) because it's loosely based on history and she wants to know if it will help her to teach it better. XDDD

Speaking of school. >_>

I'm supposed to be writing short essays for scholarship submissions.


I have a couple 150 word ones (how is that even an essay?) and a one-page one and maybe another one... and then there's one about "is my country proud of me?".

... I don't think I can do that one. It's too confusing. Who is "my country?" Is it the people who make up this country or the leaders of this country? They don't even know who I am. Is it the land I am standing sitting on over? Well even if it could be proud, it wouldn't care about me. I don't trash the land and I don't recycle as much as some other people. I'm just... average in that respect.
Even if the leaders or people of our nation knew who I was, what reason would they have to be proud of me? My honesty? Well, it doesn't seem like anyone really cares about that any more.
I'm not really involved in "the nation" exactly because I could be living in England or Japan and probably have about the same amount of national pride as I do now... not much. I'm happy about free speech and all, but honestly, politics to me is like some boring game that the "grown-ups" play, some obsessively, that I could get into but don't really bother to try. Because it's boring, I guess. Too "mature" and not maturely played at all.


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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.