All the stuff

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm watching Ouran. ^o^ How lovely! After this, I'll put together a CD and I also need to vacuum. But I think that will happen on Thursday. I think Thursday will be my cleaning day where I vacuum and wash the sheets and the clothes and pack up for next week. I'll do all my schooly stuff tomorrow. Like the essays and scholarship applications and math and history...

Today I cleaned the van since the youth group will be using it. That was pretty fun. I played with the hose a lot! I even got an idea for a picture from it.

I won't be blogging for about a week starting Saturday because I won't have internet. My youth group is going on a trip to Joplin to help rebuild. I bet it's gonna be really fun.

In other news, I kinda want a fob watch.

And I think that flea that most likely came home from the thrift store was a reminder to keep me from forgetting about theatre practice. I had just started on a filing project when I noticed it and after bagging it, I started searching the internet about fleas instead of working on the task... but if I hadn't been on the computer I wouldn't have seen the iCal alert telling me that the practice session started in ten minutes... and it's twenty minutes away. At least I was only ten minutes late (and they hadn't really started yet) rather than completely forgetting... that would have been bad.

1 comment:

  1. iCal /saves lives/, man. Lol I would forget about all my appointments ever if I didn't have it. XD Except I'm terrible with my time, so first I have to set an alert for when the event starts, and then I have to set one for when I need to leave, and then I also have to set one for when it's time for me to stop doodling around and get ready to go.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.