To whoever had the idea of putting mini pep talks on the wrappers to each drop--thanks. If I had known beforehand, I might have laughed at the idea, but the unexpected "you've survived worse" (or something to that effect) made me smile.
I just did a bunch of math catch-up, and later I'm going to a worship night at church. After that, Peggy's gonna sleep over, and we're planning to go see The Hunger Games tomorrow morning.
I love organizing my room. And decorating it simplistically. Add "organizer" to my long list of freelance careers, I suppose. :] I mean, I could do that for other people and earn money from it!
Starting with my brothers' rooms. Not for pay, of course. :P This summer, one of my projects will be the going-through-of-junk-and-throwing-half-of-everything-out of my brothers' rooms. It was supposed to be last summer's project, but then there were summer ACC classes which kept me really busy in the first half of the summer and then made my break seem way short. It took me much longer than usual to get back in the school mode. Usually by the end of summer I'm at least not resistant to school starting again, but this last year was all wacky. No summer classes this year. I can't make starting off the first year of college that wacky! I have a list of projects and places to go and things to watch and read, so it's not like I'm gonna be doing nothing. Just not school. Please, no.
This summer I need to:
- Visit Hey Cupcake and Bananarchy and Recycled Reads and any other Austin-y awesome spots I happen to hear of and take interest in.
- Go to CoCo's cafe with Bethany (she's been trying to get me to go there for a while!) Also, go skating at least once with Bethany (and Peggy and Emma? o: )
- Visit thrift stores and half price books more regularly.
- Work on job searches/get jobs/babysit. Basically, college costs money. XP ANYONE WANNA BUY SOME ART? 8D
- Be on the computer less.
- Clean, organize, and possibly re-do my brothers' rooms.
- Dye a pair of shorts purple.
- Ask around for unwanted/out of date hair catalogs from salons. Free reference photo books!
- YomiCon with Bethany in June, maybe~
And then as for watching:
- Kimi Ni Todoke- One of the most unobjectionable animes I've ever seen.
- Hetalia- With my mom. History + anime = something we'll both watch. o:
- Teen Titans- Nostalgia except not. Because I never watched it as a kid, but I could have.
- Sherlock- I've heard a lot about it, and Emma thinks I'd like it. (unfortunately, pretty much all the other fans I know ship Sherlock and John... ew. DX )
- Mean Girls- There are like a million and one parodies of this and a lot of quotes. I'm mostly just wanting some context, I guess. It's not my idea of a movie I'd really enjoy. XD
- Back to the Future- Some classic, I think. o:
- Batman movies
- Princess and the Frog, Sleeping Beauty, Tarzan. I'VE NEVER SEEN THEM. T^T
- The Lorax
- Brave
- Scott Pilgrim vs the world- I hear this is another kinda geeky movie.
- The Hobbit is also on my list but that's not until winter...
- The Doctor Who books I borrowed from my dad.
- Mostly Harmless
- I, Robot
- Sherlock Holmes. I got the "complete works" and I'm slowly making progress in it.
- Animal Farm
- Brave New World (these last few probably need to be read before summer, actually. They will count toward my literature course.)
LEMME BUY SOME ART FROM YOU LEMME LEMME (just, not until after ACen XD unless you'd be willing to draw a picture of somebody i know with somebody i ship her with? ouo)
ReplyDeleteI really really like the idea of asking around for those old hair magazines. That seems like it'd be really useful. :DD
I hope you'll enjoy Hetalia! O:
AND THAT'S OKAY ABOUT SHERLOCK CUS YOU DON'T NEED TO SHIP GAY COUPLES TO ENJOY IT~ At least, from what I presume. It's still only on my list of things to eventually watch.
With Scott Pilgrim um um I would warn you about that because there are materials in it that will not appeal to your high standards. XD I could elaborate if you wish? But otherwise, well, I'm sure you'll find out.