All the stuff

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday- The odd jobs day.

We had to get up at around seven forty five Sunday morning. It was rainy. We had to pack up our cots so that the room could be used after the church service. I decided I'd carry my camera, wallet, and journal with me. That way I had a way to draw and note-take and all my 'valuables' were not just sitting around. I didn't want to lock them in the car... Then I'd have to trouble someone else if I wanted them. Despite the fact that I had my camera, I have very few pictures of myself or anyone else working. I mostly took pictures of things... as usual. Due to a conversation I was involved in while we cleaned the church that afternoon, most of the pictures I took were fake "art": pictures that could be interpreted ridiculously but nobody could argue that it wasn't art. Sort of a statement on how "art" is objective or a matter of opinion or something... XD I'll probably make a post of all of those later. After church and visiting their youth group, we set cots back up, cleaned walls, and sanitized and cleaned children's toys among other things. That evening, we played a ridiculous game that involved slinging oranges around our heads with pantyhose... It was so confusing. It reminded me of Dave in the VeggieTales version of David and Goliath... slinging his sling around his head. XD
I also realized that night that I didn't bring much to entertain me. I had art and writing supplies, but that was it. As it turned out work was usually so tiring that I felt too sleepy and uninspired in my free time to really do much in those areas. Manual labor is satisfying, but not particularly a catalyst for creativity. I ought to keep that in mind for my future. :P
I really should have brought a book, though. Almost everyone else did. Madeline offered to lend me one of the books she had brought, later in the week, but I ended up turning her down since I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it. I'm a slow reader.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.