All the stuff

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Joplin photodump

A lot of these are "Art" in the sense that people can interpret ridiculous nonsense into something "meaningful," call it art, and nobody can argue with them.
 Obviously, this represents how we need each other to survive.

 This one could actually mean something but honestly all I wanted to do was put a flower on a screw. XD

 Clearly, these two are about comforting fellow criminals before execution.

 Madeline said that this one probably represented the digitalization of our culture... or something.

 I feel this one speaks to our unfortunate habit of gossiping and leaving others out.

 This one means that even lazy people can be helpful.

 This should be interpreted as a sign of how imagination in our country has run dry.

 These slats of wood represent the fact that we are placed here with purpose.

 This image carries the message that children should not confuse toys with tools.

 Honestly, I shot this cuz it looked pretty, not to give it some ridiculous meaning.

 This is a commentary on the way wars have hurt our world.

 This one is courtesy of Hannah... I forgot what it meant.

 This one is about how some cultures value uniformity over individuality.

 I found a cool piece of wood and pictures ensued. Here is only one.

 This one is from after we got home. No meaning, I just wanted to get the ballerina dandelion captured in a photo. :'D

 A couple obligatory pictures of us actually doing work...

 I enjoy original signs.

This one is my pride and joy. If I kept only one picture from the whole week, this would be it.

1 comment:

  1. I did so enjoy this. x33 And the last one, indeed, is gorgeous.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.