All the stuff

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fruit is annoying and I eat food.

I guess I'm pretty lucky when it comes to eating healthy--I don't even like the thought of eating processed foods or really sweet stuff. For me sweets (even natural ones) are a treat and not an everyday thing- they're special and especially shouldn't be mixed with "normal" food. For example, pineapple on pizza? That just sounds gross. Raisins in a salad? No thank you. I've never liked ham, but why the heck would you pour sugar all over it? And coleslaw would taste so much better without the sugar in it! Sweet stuff should be eaten in small amounts alone, or with some sort of bread-type thing.
My opinion.
Anyway, a lot of sugar is bad for you and processed. And I just don't happen to like it that much. Which is good for my health.
But even healthy sweets like fruit... It's not that I don't like them, it's just that they're so inconvenient because I'm picky about... texture, I guess. Oranges are annoying because all that white stuff has to come off and it makes a mess. Berries are annoying because of all the tiny seeds. Grapes (and therefore raisins) have bits of stem left in them very commonly and it drives me crazy. XD Bananas taste good, but something about them makes me want to stop eating them halfway through. I always make them into a smoothie instead. I've never tried plums... I commonly eat apples and pears though, because I can just cut the core and damaged spots out and there you go! Haha.
Even if my fruit intake isn't very varied, I haven't met a vegetable I didn't like. At least a little bit. I eat the things I don't like quite as much in small amounts because variance is good and helps you get all those yummy vitamins and antioxidants. ^o^

And then carbs. *u* I love those things. Grains, breads, and pasta especially. Nobody really knows that about me, but I'm a huge pasta fan in secret.

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 Oh and when it comes to protein, well, I'm ~officially~ vegetarian now. I'm not super duper strict because sometimes there's something I want to eat that has meat in it (like stroganoff) and then there's that issue about bacon which... Heh. I cheat a bit. Bacon forever <3
But don't worry! I get protein from peanut butter, eggs, cheese, and BEANS.
Beans are another food of which I am very fond. Soy beans and lima beans especially, but any bean is omnomnomnomnom.
I also like dairy products. Milk and cheese are good. :9

Soda is out for me this year and most likely for the rest of my life, and I don't eat most candy because it's just chemicals mixed up to please taste buds. Whaaaat? If I'm gonna eat candy, give me some good old chocolate.
I do enjoy things like cake and cookies and brownies and peanut brittle, but I wouldn't want them every day.

But I'm not that picky, except for fruit. I'll eat just about anything served to me, even if it's not my favorite. After all, it's just for a little, like for a single meal or something. But there is one thing you should never serve me... Potato salad. I just... I'm sorry. I've tried it twice and I can't stomach it. It is literally the only food that I've tried that actually makes me gag. XD

1 comment:

  1. OMG YOU LIKE PASTA I SO DID NOT KNOW THIS O: How long have you loved pasta?! Why did you not tell me this sooner?

    But I agree with it. And I also agree with liking stroganoff and chocolate CHOCOLATE IS MY OFFICIAL FAVORITE NOW, YOU KNOW.


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