All the stuff

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Hunny!

And happy Leap Day to everyone else.

This lovely little boy is a senior in high school/first year of college depending on where you are in the manga. Why does he look so young? Well, it's obviously because his birthday only comes once every four years. So say he's been alive for eighteen years... Well, he's only turned six!
Edit: He would only be four. Pff. XD 

Aw, Hunny. ^3^ So cuteeee~

Edit: Today is also the birthday of my friend Peggy's brand new little sister! >w< Happy birthday to Clara!
I have to say, it would be pretty sweet to have only one birthday every four years. I mean, not when you're a kid and you look forward to presents and stuff, but once you get old enough to realize how special you are, well. Fun times.

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