I'm so tired.
Stage makeup is scary.
And the play went pretty well.
-falls asleep-
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
My play is in a few days!
Oh boy. I think I'm ready. XD
Thankfully, I won't have to go to all these rehearsals once it's done with. This week, I only had one day where I didn't need to leave the house. :c
Anyway, I'm a detective/police officer with a British accident (well, maybe not that bad) and an (interpreted) disdain for all the lowlife scum of the earth who are always falling under par. I kind of "read into" my character more than intended... and even if the teacher doesn't notice all the extra attitude I display, it's okay because it will make my character more dimensional and people might be like "that detective... I can't put my finger on it..."
Haha, that's wishful thinking. XPP
Thankfully, I won't have to go to all these rehearsals once it's done with. This week, I only had one day where I didn't need to leave the house. :c
Anyway, I'm a detective/police officer with a British accident (well, maybe not that bad) and an (interpreted) disdain for all the lowlife scum of the earth who are always falling under par. I kind of "read into" my character more than intended... and even if the teacher doesn't notice all the extra attitude I display, it's okay because it will make my character more dimensional and people might be like "that detective... I can't put my finger on it..."
Haha, that's wishful thinking. XPP
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
So a while ago, Audrey helped me to make the beginnings of my Link costume. The tunic is finished except for the collar which I need to iron flat and then sew together. The base shirt is finished except for the shoelace that will make the drawstring-thing... though I want to see if it would be better to try a thinner shirt before I sew that on. A turtleneck might get too warm.
I have a nice pair of white leggings thanks to mi madre--the ones I had from a thrift shop were too big-- and I have a nice pair of nondescript boots that would go fine with the costume.
Shadow is making the sword (and shield? o:) so I won't have to carry them in a plane. I have a plastic bottle I can put food coloring and water in... I just need a cork.
I also need gloves and belts.
Two brown belts with the right kind of buckles.
One pair of thin brown gloves that won't fray when I cut the fingers off (or fingerless to begin with). And then I'll need to add some sort of cuff around the forearm over top of them.
One cork that will fit my plastic bottle. I'm afraid that a bright yellow-orange cap doesn't quite work with the idea.
Possibly a different undershirt. I'll see about that.
The knowledge of and ability to fix my hair and makeup to look appropriate.
And possibly a little Navi or other props.
These are what I need within the month. Yeeeeeeeesh ACen is in like almost a month, yikes.
I'll start on all this next week, because this week is busy. Today, Tuesday, is the only day I don't have play-related activities. The performances are Friday and Saturday. Yikes! Wish me luck (or better yet, pray for me! o:)
I have a nice pair of white leggings thanks to mi madre--the ones I had from a thrift shop were too big-- and I have a nice pair of nondescript boots that would go fine with the costume.
Shadow is making the sword (and shield? o:) so I won't have to carry them in a plane. I have a plastic bottle I can put food coloring and water in... I just need a cork.
I also need gloves and belts.
Two brown belts with the right kind of buckles.
One pair of thin brown gloves that won't fray when I cut the fingers off (or fingerless to begin with). And then I'll need to add some sort of cuff around the forearm over top of them.
One cork that will fit my plastic bottle. I'm afraid that a bright yellow-orange cap doesn't quite work with the idea.
Possibly a different undershirt. I'll see about that.
The knowledge of and ability to fix my hair and makeup to look appropriate.
And possibly a little Navi or other props.
These are what I need within the month. Yeeeeeeeesh ACen is in like almost a month, yikes.
I'll start on all this next week, because this week is busy. Today, Tuesday, is the only day I don't have play-related activities. The performances are Friday and Saturday. Yikes! Wish me luck (or better yet, pray for me! o:)
Monday, March 26, 2012
The only not-boring thing about History is interpreting it in odd ways.
The Soviet Union had a picnic because it was Hungary. It made a Romania lettuce salad and grilled a Bulgaria and fries. It set up its Czechered blanket by a Poland sat down for a delicious meal.
It was in a Russia, because it needed to get back to work soon afterwards.
The best story, kay.
So on Saturday on the way to youth group, Kelsey, Justin, Peggy and I pull up to a stoplight, windows down, being cool. Heh. Anyway the person next to us on our right also had his windows down, a chill black guy with a fedora. I raised my hand in greeting and he was like "hey, how are you?" or something. I forget what he said exactly. But then he says, "Here, take this." and reaches down in his car for something. Next thing we know, he tosses a CD in our window. The light turns green and that's the end of the encounter. Is that random or what? He was promoting his own music, it seems, since the disk was one of them ones you can burn and had his youtube channel written on it. Unfortunately, I can't recommend his music because of my own personal media standards, but still, it's a brilliant story. It made my day. It was better than going to the Hunger Games that morning. If I had to choose between that two and a half hour movie and that one-minute long story, I'd choose this one. We couldn't stop laughing about it.
My thoughts on The Hunger Games
So yes, I was one of the millions of teenagers seeing the Hunger games last week.
I didn't bother to go to the midnight premiere, instead I went early Saturday morning, when tickets were only six dollars instead of 7.25 or 10 something, and I went with my friend Peggy.
The main thing that turned me off from the books was the fact that they were written in first person. Katniss isn't an extremely interesting person--her thoughts are dry and typical, and the fact that the narration obviously stops if she dies means you already know she's going to [LE POINTLESS SPOILER ALERT] win.
I felt like the idea had potential but was badly executed. So I was looking forward to the movie. It's kind of hard to do a movie in first person, and as I expected, all the narrative problems were cured in the movie.
In the books, I felt like Collins was being too nice to Katniss--everything just happened to go in a good direction for her and it had nothing to do with her own ability. I still kind of felt that in the movie, but not as much. However, I still kind of felt like everyone liked her too much.
I felt like I understood more of the reasoning behind others' actions in the movie (once again, because it's not just Katniss and her thoughts).
Even though I still find Katniss a pretty boring person, seeing her from the outside made me realize why she's the hero of the story--not because she's anything fantastic, but she's the spark to the eventual flame that [LE ACTUAL SPOILER ALERT] burns away the corrupt Capitol government. One girl on fire isn't anything noteworthy, but once other things catch, the blaze can be unstoppable.
In conclusion, the movie is violent and in that way concerning except for the fact that the characters are fictional. It might serve as a warning to what we might become if we continue to consider others' pain as "entertainment." While the movie is okay as far as production and stuff goes (I guess, I'm not an expert or anything), I don't think it's going onto my list of favorites.
I didn't bother to go to the midnight premiere, instead I went early Saturday morning, when tickets were only six dollars instead of 7.25 or 10 something, and I went with my friend Peggy.
The main thing that turned me off from the books was the fact that they were written in first person. Katniss isn't an extremely interesting person--her thoughts are dry and typical, and the fact that the narration obviously stops if she dies means you already know she's going to [LE POINTLESS SPOILER ALERT] win.
I felt like the idea had potential but was badly executed. So I was looking forward to the movie. It's kind of hard to do a movie in first person, and as I expected, all the narrative problems were cured in the movie.
In the books, I felt like Collins was being too nice to Katniss--everything just happened to go in a good direction for her and it had nothing to do with her own ability. I still kind of felt that in the movie, but not as much. However, I still kind of felt like everyone liked her too much.
I felt like I understood more of the reasoning behind others' actions in the movie (once again, because it's not just Katniss and her thoughts).
Even though I still find Katniss a pretty boring person, seeing her from the outside made me realize why she's the hero of the story--not because she's anything fantastic, but she's the spark to the eventual flame that [LE ACTUAL SPOILER ALERT] burns away the corrupt Capitol government. One girl on fire isn't anything noteworthy, but once other things catch, the blaze can be unstoppable.
In conclusion, the movie is violent and in that way concerning except for the fact that the characters are fictional. It might serve as a warning to what we might become if we continue to consider others' pain as "entertainment." While the movie is okay as far as production and stuff goes (I guess, I'm not an expert or anything), I don't think it's going onto my list of favorites.
Friday, March 23, 2012
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
but I don't like medicine or sugar straight. I finally caved in last night and had a vitamin C drop--kind of like a cough drop, only not medicine, just sugar and vitamin C to coat a sore throat.
To whoever had the idea of putting mini pep talks on the wrappers to each drop--thanks. If I had known beforehand, I might have laughed at the idea, but the unexpected "you've survived worse" (or something to that effect) made me smile.
I just did a bunch of math catch-up, and later I'm going to a worship night at church. After that, Peggy's gonna sleep over, and we're planning to go see The Hunger Games tomorrow morning.
I love organizing my room. And decorating it simplistically. Add "organizer" to my long list of freelance careers, I suppose. :] I mean, I could do that for other people and earn money from it!
Starting with my brothers' rooms. Not for pay, of course. :P This summer, one of my projects will be the going-through-of-junk-and-throwing-half-of-everything-out of my brothers' rooms. It was supposed to be last summer's project, but then there were summer ACC classes which kept me really busy in the first half of the summer and then made my break seem way short. It took me much longer than usual to get back in the school mode. Usually by the end of summer I'm at least not resistant to school starting again, but this last year was all wacky. No summer classes this year. I can't make starting off the first year of college that wacky! I have a list of projects and places to go and things to watch and read, so it's not like I'm gonna be doing nothing. Just not school. Please, no.
This summer I need to:
And then as for watching:
To whoever had the idea of putting mini pep talks on the wrappers to each drop--thanks. If I had known beforehand, I might have laughed at the idea, but the unexpected "you've survived worse" (or something to that effect) made me smile.
I just did a bunch of math catch-up, and later I'm going to a worship night at church. After that, Peggy's gonna sleep over, and we're planning to go see The Hunger Games tomorrow morning.
I love organizing my room. And decorating it simplistically. Add "organizer" to my long list of freelance careers, I suppose. :] I mean, I could do that for other people and earn money from it!
Starting with my brothers' rooms. Not for pay, of course. :P This summer, one of my projects will be the going-through-of-junk-and-throwing-half-of-everything-out of my brothers' rooms. It was supposed to be last summer's project, but then there were summer ACC classes which kept me really busy in the first half of the summer and then made my break seem way short. It took me much longer than usual to get back in the school mode. Usually by the end of summer I'm at least not resistant to school starting again, but this last year was all wacky. No summer classes this year. I can't make starting off the first year of college that wacky! I have a list of projects and places to go and things to watch and read, so it's not like I'm gonna be doing nothing. Just not school. Please, no.
This summer I need to:
- Visit Hey Cupcake and Bananarchy and Recycled Reads and any other Austin-y awesome spots I happen to hear of and take interest in.
- Go to CoCo's cafe with Bethany (she's been trying to get me to go there for a while!) Also, go skating at least once with Bethany (and Peggy and Emma? o: )
- Visit thrift stores and half price books more regularly.
- Work on job searches/get jobs/babysit. Basically, college costs money. XP ANYONE WANNA BUY SOME ART? 8D
- Be on the computer less.
- Clean, organize, and possibly re-do my brothers' rooms.
- Dye a pair of shorts purple.
- Ask around for unwanted/out of date hair catalogs from salons. Free reference photo books!
- YomiCon with Bethany in June, maybe~
And then as for watching:
- Kimi Ni Todoke- One of the most unobjectionable animes I've ever seen.
- Hetalia- With my mom. History + anime = something we'll both watch. o:
- Teen Titans- Nostalgia except not. Because I never watched it as a kid, but I could have.
- Sherlock- I've heard a lot about it, and Emma thinks I'd like it. (unfortunately, pretty much all the other fans I know ship Sherlock and John... ew. DX )
- Mean Girls- There are like a million and one parodies of this and a lot of quotes. I'm mostly just wanting some context, I guess. It's not my idea of a movie I'd really enjoy. XD
- Back to the Future- Some classic, I think. o:
- Batman movies
- Princess and the Frog, Sleeping Beauty, Tarzan. I'VE NEVER SEEN THEM. T^T
- The Lorax
- Brave
- Scott Pilgrim vs the world- I hear this is another kinda geeky movie.
- The Hobbit is also on my list but that's not until winter...
- The Doctor Who books I borrowed from my dad.
- Mostly Harmless
- I, Robot
- Sherlock Holmes. I got the "complete works" and I'm slowly making progress in it.
- Animal Farm
- Brave New World (these last few probably need to be read before summer, actually. They will count toward my literature course.)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
To Kill a Mockingbird
I watched a movie adaption of To Kill a Mockingbird this afternoon. It really was an enjoyable movie. I liked it a lot. It was in black and white, but that only added to its charm. It gave a feeling that reminded me of the deeper side of childhood--the not completely understanding, but knowing that something very important has happened.
I also spent the afternoon at the library, and math is giving me trouble. Bleh.
I also spent the afternoon at the library, and math is giving me trouble. Bleh.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Joplin photodump
A lot of these are "Art" in the sense that people can interpret ridiculous nonsense into something "meaningful," call it art, and nobody can argue with them.
Obviously, this represents how we need each other to survive.
This one could actually mean something but honestly all I wanted to do was put a flower on a screw. XD
Clearly, these two are about comforting fellow criminals before execution.
Madeline said that this one probably represented the digitalization of our culture... or something.
I feel this one speaks to our unfortunate habit of gossiping and leaving others out.
This one means that even lazy people can be helpful.
This should be interpreted as a sign of how imagination in our country has run dry.
These slats of wood represent the fact that we are placed here with purpose.
This image carries the message that children should not confuse toys with tools.
Honestly, I shot this cuz it looked pretty, not to give it some ridiculous meaning.
This is a commentary on the way wars have hurt our world.
This one is courtesy of Hannah... I forgot what it meant.
This one is about how some cultures value uniformity over individuality.
I found a cool piece of wood and pictures ensued. Here is only one.
This one is from after we got home. No meaning, I just wanted to get the ballerina dandelion captured in a photo. :'D
A couple obligatory pictures of us actually doing work...
I enjoy original signs.
This one is my pride and joy. If I kept only one picture from the whole week, this would be it.
My family had my birthday party on Saturday. I got money from some people, and Phillip made me a cake and put Japanese on it. :3
Judah drew me these adorably sweet pictures of me and him under the sun and moon.
And my mommy gave me the extended edition of Ocean Eyes, a new pack of Prismacolor pencils, a sketchbook, and some drawing paper.
It was lovely.
Judah drew me these adorably sweet pictures of me and him under the sun and moon.
And my mommy gave me the extended edition of Ocean Eyes, a new pack of Prismacolor pencils, a sketchbook, and some drawing paper.
It was lovely.
The ride home was about the same as the way up--Our car only had one person different. The conversation was meaningful, and I was surprisingly the most energetic... maybe because it was my birthday but more likely because I had eaten two fudge ice cream popsicles for breakfast.
We stopped at the same park on the way back, and I was presented with a lovely poster which everyone wrote on, as well as some candy/foodstuffs. There was no fake fruity flavored stuff, which I greatly appreciated. <3
And they sang to me.
It's so awkward to have everyone sing to you.
I mean, maybe it's just the fact that I'm introverted, but when everyone is paying attention to me I just stand there not knowing what to do. XDDD
I got Peace Tea on the way back. I liked the art on the can, it was all natural, and it was 99 cents! ^o^
Our car once again had the superior bladders. We only had to be the ones to ask for a rest stop once.
I was in a weird mood all day.
It was definitely the ice cream breakfast.
We stopped at the same park on the way back, and I was presented with a lovely poster which everyone wrote on, as well as some candy/foodstuffs. There was no fake fruity flavored stuff, which I greatly appreciated. <3
And they sang to me.
It's so awkward to have everyone sing to you.
I mean, maybe it's just the fact that I'm introverted, but when everyone is paying attention to me I just stand there not knowing what to do. XDDD
I got Peace Tea on the way back. I liked the art on the can, it was all natural, and it was 99 cents! ^o^
Our car once again had the superior bladders. We only had to be the ones to ask for a rest stop once.
I was in a weird mood all day.
It was definitely the ice cream breakfast.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Thursday (finally)
Sorry I took so long to finish getting these up.
Thursday was the day I didn't have much to do at all. Teams went out to build sheds at sites, and there was a special team for a garage, and the rest of us were to help in the yard... but almost all the tools had gone with the teams! About three of them ended up standing outside and helping to hold boards for the guy cutting them or something... while Leah and I finished organizng the supply closet that we had all started working on.
We went to a restaurant that evening called Quincy Magoo's. We went there to be able to say we ate at Quincy Magoo's. We had an interesting experience there. I wanted mozzerella sticks but they were out so I had to pick something to order instead but they were out of that so I just picked the next thing that looked good and I eventually ended up with a lot of chili cheese fries... And I'm a vegetarian.
I let my brother and Joseph help me eat the fries. Justin ate a lot of them. And all the chili except what I couldn't easily get off of my fries. Meat just tastes weird now! XDDD
And I started to feel overwhelmed by people. I hadn't had any alone time the whole week. Introvert me went and sat in a hallway and journaled to recuperate.
Thursday was the day I didn't have much to do at all. Teams went out to build sheds at sites, and there was a special team for a garage, and the rest of us were to help in the yard... but almost all the tools had gone with the teams! About three of them ended up standing outside and helping to hold boards for the guy cutting them or something... while Leah and I finished organizng the supply closet that we had all started working on.
We went to a restaurant that evening called Quincy Magoo's. We went there to be able to say we ate at Quincy Magoo's. We had an interesting experience there. I wanted mozzerella sticks but they were out so I had to pick something to order instead but they were out of that so I just picked the next thing that looked good and I eventually ended up with a lot of chili cheese fries... And I'm a vegetarian.
I let my brother and Joseph help me eat the fries. Justin ate a lot of them. And all the chili except what I couldn't easily get off of my fries. Meat just tastes weird now! XDDD
And I started to feel overwhelmed by people. I hadn't had any alone time the whole week. Introvert me went and sat in a hallway and journaled to recuperate.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Wednesday was Pi day. It was a good day. I started off working on bunk beds and stuff again.
I forgot to mention that on Tuesday I helped clean out a van that belonged to the church.
I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to a loud noise... it was a dumpster being emptied. I still only carried and did minimal construction work... bunk beds. And I got to paint a curb! Bright yellow. Some other people took down the huge signs and cleaned them. It was windy, so it's a good thing nobody blew away... XD
Dinner was pasta. Awesome~
The food was good all week. There were always vegetarian options and it wasn't peanut butter and jelly every day. :3
The game we played that night was kind of a blind guided walking sort of deal.
Also, the night before Matt had taught us a spanish song that had to do with a sardine being eaten by a small octopus being eaten by a tuna being eaten by a shark being eaten by a whale.
We never heard the end of it after that. Everyone was singing it all the time.
Except the people who were annoyed by it.
And the people like me who didn't particularly hate or love it.
The door on the downstairs bathroom was silent. It was amazing. I wish the doors in my house were that quiet. I could sneak around like a ninja. Of course, a real ninja could go through the squeakiest door silently... >__>
I forgot to mention that on Tuesday I helped clean out a van that belonged to the church.
I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to a loud noise... it was a dumpster being emptied. I still only carried and did minimal construction work... bunk beds. And I got to paint a curb! Bright yellow. Some other people took down the huge signs and cleaned them. It was windy, so it's a good thing nobody blew away... XD
Dinner was pasta. Awesome~
The food was good all week. There were always vegetarian options and it wasn't peanut butter and jelly every day. :3
The game we played that night was kind of a blind guided walking sort of deal.
Also, the night before Matt had taught us a spanish song that had to do with a sardine being eaten by a small octopus being eaten by a tuna being eaten by a shark being eaten by a whale.
We never heard the end of it after that. Everyone was singing it all the time.
Except the people who were annoyed by it.
And the people like me who didn't particularly hate or love it.
The door on the downstairs bathroom was silent. It was amazing. I wish the doors in my house were that quiet. I could sneak around like a ninja. Of course, a real ninja could go through the squeakiest door silently... >__>
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
On Tuesday I carried more things, we put walls of sheds together (but I didn't do much on that again), we put together some bunk bed frames, and Allison and I helped carry some heavy grills out of shed. Some others cleaned them later.
That evening we drove around Joplin, saw some of the wreckage, and then ate a delicious dinner of rice and vegetables and crazy good bread and awesome dessert. The elderly couple who hosted us for the dinner had a racquetball court that was just like a big room basement thing and it was chilly and echoey and if it was my house it would definitely have been a dance room rather than a room to throw balls at a wall and hit them. And they had old movie posters which were cool. They talked to us a bit about how disasters affected them... Here's what I learned from that.
"Anything that can be shaken will be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken remain and things that can do not"
I've kind of had this attitude that less stuff=less possessiveness. But I realized that I do have some things that I would really be upset if I lost. While I may not have a lot of little things, the things that I do have are very important to me. I need to realize that they are only things, after all. Whether one has few things or many, it can still all be gone in an instant.
That evening we drove around Joplin, saw some of the wreckage, and then ate a delicious dinner of rice and vegetables and crazy good bread and awesome dessert. The elderly couple who hosted us for the dinner had a racquetball court that was just like a big room basement thing and it was chilly and echoey and if it was my house it would definitely have been a dance room rather than a room to throw balls at a wall and hit them. And they had old movie posters which were cool. They talked to us a bit about how disasters affected them... Here's what I learned from that.
"Anything that can be shaken will be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken remain and things that can do not"
I've kind of had this attitude that less stuff=less possessiveness. But I realized that I do have some things that I would really be upset if I lost. While I may not have a lot of little things, the things that I do have are very important to me. I need to realize that they are only things, after all. Whether one has few things or many, it can still all be gone in an instant.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday- First day of yard work.
Everyone went out to work on building a shed out of pre-made pieces. I managed to get out of most of that, though, because some of us were helping to carry a few things and then just standing around--so we went in and scrubbed the pipes, light fixtures, and ceiling of the kitchen. Later we went out again and still weren't necessary, so we returned and made pesto to use later in the week. Chopping herbs and talking about various things such as world travel was a pleasant experience. We ended up chewing on parsley stalks and walking to see the seven houses in seven days that Extreme Makeover Home Edition did. (This was all mostly the small group--the big group was working on the shed roof.) They were fine, I guess, but it would have made sense to make more less fancy houses. They wanted a good show, though, I suppose. We returned to see the roofing on the shed being finished. That evening the game was to pass bananas with our feet and the last person peeled and ate them. Justin practically inhaled his. I realized that I was not drinking enough water.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Sunday- The odd jobs day.
We had to get up at around seven forty five Sunday morning. It was rainy. We had to pack up our cots so that the room could be used after the church service. I decided I'd carry my camera, wallet, and journal with me. That way I had a way to draw and note-take and all my 'valuables' were not just sitting around. I didn't want to lock them in the car... Then I'd have to trouble someone else if I wanted them. Despite the fact that I had my camera, I have very few pictures of myself or anyone else working. I mostly took pictures of things... as usual. Due to a conversation I was involved in while we cleaned the church that afternoon, most of the pictures I took were fake "art": pictures that could be interpreted ridiculously but nobody could argue that it wasn't art. Sort of a statement on how "art" is objective or a matter of opinion or something... XD I'll probably make a post of all of those later. After church and visiting their youth group, we set cots back up, cleaned walls, and sanitized and cleaned children's toys among other things. That evening, we played a ridiculous game that involved slinging oranges around our heads with pantyhose... It was so confusing. It reminded me of Dave in the VeggieTales version of David and Goliath... slinging his sling around his head. XD
I also realized that night that I didn't bring much to entertain me. I had art and writing supplies, but that was it. As it turned out work was usually so tiring that I felt too sleepy and uninspired in my free time to really do much in those areas. Manual labor is satisfying, but not particularly a catalyst for creativity. I ought to keep that in mind for my future. :P
I really should have brought a book, though. Almost everyone else did. Madeline offered to lend me one of the books she had brought, later in the week, but I ended up turning her down since I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it. I'm a slow reader.
I also realized that night that I didn't bring much to entertain me. I had art and writing supplies, but that was it. As it turned out work was usually so tiring that I felt too sleepy and uninspired in my free time to really do much in those areas. Manual labor is satisfying, but not particularly a catalyst for creativity. I ought to keep that in mind for my future. :P
I really should have brought a book, though. Almost everyone else did. Madeline offered to lend me one of the books she had brought, later in the week, but I ended up turning her down since I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it. I'm a slow reader.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The first day (aka twelvish hours in a van)
Well, I'm just going to try to piece something together for each day based off of my "journaling" for that day... and apparently I can date these posts as past dates so I'll do that.
So I got up early that morning and ate eggplant lasagna. I was a little excited and made up alternate lyrics for "walking on sunshine." We got there, got prayed for, and went to vans. A lot of people had to cancel last minute... but at least that meant I got to ride in a quiet van not packed with noisy jabber talkers. :3
In Dallas there were cool buildings. Lots of glass, though. It made me wonder what would happen if someone ran down a glass staircase in heels or clunky shoes. Ouch.
The eight people in our van had lovely conversation on deep or meaningful and also fun questions. At one of the rest stops (all due to the other van by the way... ours had superior bladders) Noah and I did goofy dances in the parking lot.
Because of all the space in our fifteen passenger van with eight passengers, the entire back row became the "nap row," but I never used it.
We stopped at a park for lunch. We were still in Texas. It was chilly!
Once we got into Oklahoma, there were tons of casinos and some flat lakes. It was really overcast. We had some random dance parties and Tabitha approved of every single song I chose to put on the CD I brought. :3
Once we got into Missouri, it was dark. There wasn't far to drive until Joplin, but everything looked kind of old. Until we got to Joplin, and a lot of homes looked new. I wondered if they were recently built. There was dinner waiting for us at the church because one family had gone early and it was lovely~
So I got up early that morning and ate eggplant lasagna. I was a little excited and made up alternate lyrics for "walking on sunshine." We got there, got prayed for, and went to vans. A lot of people had to cancel last minute... but at least that meant I got to ride in a quiet van not packed with noisy jabber talkers. :3
In Dallas there were cool buildings. Lots of glass, though. It made me wonder what would happen if someone ran down a glass staircase in heels or clunky shoes. Ouch.
The eight people in our van had lovely conversation on deep or meaningful and also fun questions. At one of the rest stops (all due to the other van by the way... ours had superior bladders) Noah and I did goofy dances in the parking lot.
Because of all the space in our fifteen passenger van with eight passengers, the entire back row became the "nap row," but I never used it.
We stopped at a park for lunch. We were still in Texas. It was chilly!
Once we got into Oklahoma, there were tons of casinos and some flat lakes. It was really overcast. We had some random dance parties and Tabitha approved of every single song I chose to put on the CD I brought. :3
Once we got into Missouri, it was dark. There wasn't far to drive until Joplin, but everything looked kind of old. Until we got to Joplin, and a lot of homes looked new. I wondered if they were recently built. There was dinner waiting for us at the church because one family had gone early and it was lovely~
I realized that this is the time in my life where what I want to be when I grow up actually matters. I'm young enough to dream, but old enough to make it happen.
Random significant thought I had. It was written down but I don't have context like a conversation for it.
My cot was a corner one but it kept me kinda separated from the group and I was near a lot of the girls from another church who talked a lot and had all kinds of electronics. I felt superior, journaling and drawing. XP
And then I went to sleep.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Watching isn't a spectator sport. If you try to spectate, you're playing.
Well, I'm leaving tomorrow for Joplin. My iPod is turned off, my phone will be soon, and I don't think I'll get on the computer tomorrow morning. Too much too do and I'll be half asleep the whole time.
I plan to 'blog' in my journal while I'm gone and when I get back I'll either make a mega-post or separate posts. Can I add posts for past dates? I'll find out when I get back, I suppose. Well, it's off to bed now because I'm already not gonna get eight hours.
Pray for my youth group to have safe travels, good memories, and to be really helpful.
I plan to 'blog' in my journal while I'm gone and when I get back I'll either make a mega-post or separate posts. Can I add posts for past dates? I'll find out when I get back, I suppose. Well, it's off to bed now because I'm already not gonna get eight hours.
Pray for my youth group to have safe travels, good memories, and to be really helpful.
Zombie Updates
And so one of the zombies tells me I'm an exceptional student.
Yes, yes I am. And you can't have me or my exceptionally tasty brain. Nyeh nyeh, zombie.
I'm going to get a lesser degree in zombie fighting because I don't plan to dive right into a pile of more zombies once I've defeated the lesser horde. That is, I'm not going to get some fancy degree at some expensive university just to fall into the conventions of "normal life" and all its complication after college. I'm gonna keep battling to live simply and truly and that field work will qualify me even more than any fancy degree in weapons tactics could. The tactic is simple. Shoot zombie in the head. Repeat. Who needs to spend a lot of money to learn that?
That's why I'm probably gonna just go to a communitycollege zombie risk area.
Yes, yes I am. And you can't have me or my exceptionally tasty brain. Nyeh nyeh, zombie.
I'm going to get a lesser degree in zombie fighting because I don't plan to dive right into a pile of more zombies once I've defeated the lesser horde. That is, I'm not going to get some fancy degree at some expensive university just to fall into the conventions of "normal life" and all its complication after college. I'm gonna keep battling to live simply and truly and that field work will qualify me even more than any fancy degree in weapons tactics could. The tactic is simple. Shoot zombie in the head. Repeat. Who needs to spend a lot of money to learn that?
That's why I'm probably gonna just go to a community
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I'm procrastinating right now.
I love open windows. I love it when the weather is nice and we open up the house. I really wish I had a window sometimes.
Sure, it's nice to be able to sleep at any time of day, but that has its downside too in that I have become a huge night owl. I've been better at it recently, but I feel like if the sun was in my window every morning I would be more easily convinced to crawl out of bed by seven and therefore force myself to go to sleep at eleven. Also, if I had a window, my room wouldn't be so stuffy.
I cleaned my bathroom today. It gets kind of gross but after I clean it and I open up the window to let all those chemicals air out, it's lovely to be in there in the mornings and evenings to hear the sound of the cars rushing by on the highway. It's a soothing noise, somehow.
I like my bathroom (when it's clean and neat). It's mostly white, and then pretty much everything else is a shade of blue, purple, green, or silver, right down to the tubes of toothpaste and acne medication (wish I didn't need that stuff... XP).
I also cleaned my room and I hope that for my birthday I can get a youtube account and possibly start videoblogging.
The thing I'm looking forward to the most about being seventeen is watching Hetalia, I think. I've been itching to see it recently since I've been learning about World War II in history. But alas, I am forced to wait since it's rated TV-MA... A lot of people say that rating is unwarranted though. Kids watch it (not that that's any excuse, but still). Mom's gonna watch it with me anyway (OMG MY MOM WANTS TO WATCH AN ANIME WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH) because it's loosely based on history and she wants to know if it will help her to teach it better. XDDD
Speaking of school. >_>
I'm supposed to be writing short essays for scholarship submissions.
I have a couple 150 word ones (how is that even an essay?) and a one-page one and maybe another one... and then there's one about "is my country proud of me?".
... I don't think I can do that one. It's too confusing. Who is "my country?" Is it the people who make up this country or the leaders of this country? They don't even know who I am. Is it the land I amstanding sitting on over? Well even if it could be proud, it wouldn't care about me. I don't trash the land and I don't recycle as much as some other people. I'm just... average in that respect.
Even if the leaders or people of our nation knew who I was, what reason would they have to be proud of me? My honesty? Well, it doesn't seem like anyone really cares about that any more.
I'm not really involved in "the nation" exactly because I could be living in England or Japan and probably have about the same amount of national pride as I do now... not much. I'm happy about free speech and all, but honestly, politics to me is like some boring game that the "grown-ups" play, some obsessively, that I could get into but don't really bother to try. Because it's boring, I guess. Too "mature" and not maturely played at all.
Sure, it's nice to be able to sleep at any time of day, but that has its downside too in that I have become a huge night owl. I've been better at it recently, but I feel like if the sun was in my window every morning I would be more easily convinced to crawl out of bed by seven and therefore force myself to go to sleep at eleven. Also, if I had a window, my room wouldn't be so stuffy.
I cleaned my bathroom today. It gets kind of gross but after I clean it and I open up the window to let all those chemicals air out, it's lovely to be in there in the mornings and evenings to hear the sound of the cars rushing by on the highway. It's a soothing noise, somehow.
I like my bathroom (when it's clean and neat). It's mostly white, and then pretty much everything else is a shade of blue, purple, green, or silver, right down to the tubes of toothpaste and acne medication (wish I didn't need that stuff... XP).
I also cleaned my room and I hope that for my birthday I can get a youtube account and possibly start videoblogging.
The thing I'm looking forward to the most about being seventeen is watching Hetalia, I think. I've been itching to see it recently since I've been learning about World War II in history. But alas, I am forced to wait since it's rated TV-MA... A lot of people say that rating is unwarranted though. Kids watch it (not that that's any excuse, but still). Mom's gonna watch it with me anyway (OMG MY MOM WANTS TO WATCH AN ANIME WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH) because it's loosely based on history and she wants to know if it will help her to teach it better. XDDD
Speaking of school. >_>
I'm supposed to be writing short essays for scholarship submissions.
I have a couple 150 word ones (how is that even an essay?) and a one-page one and maybe another one... and then there's one about "is my country proud of me?".
... I don't think I can do that one. It's too confusing. Who is "my country?" Is it the people who make up this country or the leaders of this country? They don't even know who I am. Is it the land I am
Even if the leaders or people of our nation knew who I was, what reason would they have to be proud of me? My honesty? Well, it doesn't seem like anyone really cares about that any more.
I'm not really involved in "the nation" exactly because I could be living in England or Japan and probably have about the same amount of national pride as I do now... not much. I'm happy about free speech and all, but honestly, politics to me is like some boring game that the "grown-ups" play, some obsessively, that I could get into but don't really bother to try. Because it's boring, I guess. Too "mature" and not maturely played at all.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I'm watching Ouran. ^o^ How lovely! After this, I'll put together a CD and I also need to vacuum. But I think that will happen on Thursday. I think Thursday will be my cleaning day where I vacuum and wash the sheets and the clothes and pack up for next week. I'll do all my schooly stuff tomorrow. Like the essays and scholarship applications and math and history...
Today I cleaned the van since the youth group will be using it. That was pretty fun. I played with the hose a lot! I even got an idea for a picture from it.
I won't be blogging for about a week starting Saturday because I won't have internet. My youth group is going on a trip to Joplin to help rebuild. I bet it's gonna be really fun.
In other news, I kinda want a fob watch.
And I think that flea that most likely came home from the thrift store was a reminder to keep me from forgetting about theatre practice. I had just started on a filing project when I noticed it and after bagging it, I started searching the internet about fleas instead of working on the task... but if I hadn't been on the computer I wouldn't have seen the iCal alert telling me that the practice session started in ten minutes... and it's twenty minutes away. At least I was only ten minutes late (and they hadn't really started yet) rather than completely forgetting... that would have been bad.
Today I cleaned the van since the youth group will be using it. That was pretty fun. I played with the hose a lot! I even got an idea for a picture from it.
I won't be blogging for about a week starting Saturday because I won't have internet. My youth group is going on a trip to Joplin to help rebuild. I bet it's gonna be really fun.
In other news, I kinda want a fob watch.
And I think that flea that most likely came home from the thrift store was a reminder to keep me from forgetting about theatre practice. I had just started on a filing project when I noticed it and after bagging it, I started searching the internet about fleas instead of working on the task... but if I hadn't been on the computer I wouldn't have seen the iCal alert telling me that the practice session started in ten minutes... and it's twenty minutes away. At least I was only ten minutes late (and they hadn't really started yet) rather than completely forgetting... that would have been bad.
Fruit is annoying and I eat food.
I guess I'm pretty lucky when it comes to eating healthy--I don't even like the thought of eating processed foods or really sweet stuff. For me sweets (even natural ones) are a treat and not an everyday thing- they're special and especially shouldn't be mixed with "normal" food. For example, pineapple on pizza? That just sounds gross. Raisins in a salad? No thank you. I've never liked ham, but why the heck would you pour sugar all over it? And coleslaw would taste so much better without the sugar in it! Sweet stuff should be eaten in small amounts alone, or with some sort of bread-type thing.
My opinion.
Anyway, a lot of sugar is bad for you and processed. And I just don't happen to like it that much. Which is good for my health.
But even healthy sweets like fruit... It's not that I don't like them, it's just that they're so inconvenient because I'm picky about... texture, I guess. Oranges are annoying because all that white stuff has to come off and it makes a mess. Berries are annoying because of all the tiny seeds. Grapes (and therefore raisins) have bits of stem left in them very commonly and it drives me crazy. XD Bananas taste good, but something about them makes me want to stop eating them halfway through. I always make them into a smoothie instead. I've never tried plums... I commonly eat apples and pears though, because I can just cut the core and damaged spots out and there you go! Haha.
Even if my fruit intake isn't very varied, I haven't met a vegetable I didn't like. At least a little bit. I eat the things I don't like quite as much in small amounts because variance is good and helps you get all those yummy vitamins and antioxidants. ^o^
And then carbs. *u* I love those things. Grains, breads, and pasta especially. Nobody really knows that about me, but I'm a huge pasta fan in secret.
. . .
. . .
Oh and when it comes to protein, well, I'm ~officially~ vegetarian now. I'm not super duper strict because sometimes there's something I want to eat that has meat in it (like stroganoff) and then there's that issue about bacon which... Heh. I cheat a bit. Bacon forever <3
But don't worry! I get protein from peanut butter, eggs, cheese, and BEANS.
Beans are another food of which I am very fond. Soy beans and lima beans especially, but any bean is omnomnomnomnom.
I also like dairy products. Milk and cheese are good. :9
Soda is out for me this year and most likely for the rest of my life, and I don't eat most candy because it's just chemicals mixed up to please taste buds. Whaaaat? If I'm gonna eat candy, give me some good old chocolate.
I do enjoy things like cake and cookies and brownies and peanut brittle, but I wouldn't want them every day.
But I'm not that picky, except for fruit. I'll eat just about anything served to me, even if it's not my favorite. After all, it's just for a little, like for a single meal or something. But there is one thing you should never serve me... Potato salad. I just... I'm sorry. I've tried it twice and I can't stomach it. It is literally the only food that I've tried that actually makes me gag. XD
My opinion.
Anyway, a lot of sugar is bad for you and processed. And I just don't happen to like it that much. Which is good for my health.
But even healthy sweets like fruit... It's not that I don't like them, it's just that they're so inconvenient because I'm picky about... texture, I guess. Oranges are annoying because all that white stuff has to come off and it makes a mess. Berries are annoying because of all the tiny seeds. Grapes (and therefore raisins) have bits of stem left in them very commonly and it drives me crazy. XD Bananas taste good, but something about them makes me want to stop eating them halfway through. I always make them into a smoothie instead. I've never tried plums... I commonly eat apples and pears though, because I can just cut the core and damaged spots out and there you go! Haha.
Even if my fruit intake isn't very varied, I haven't met a vegetable I didn't like. At least a little bit. I eat the things I don't like quite as much in small amounts because variance is good and helps you get all those yummy vitamins and antioxidants. ^o^
And then carbs. *u* I love those things. Grains, breads, and pasta especially. Nobody really knows that about me, but I'm a huge pasta fan in secret.
. . .
. . .
Oh and when it comes to protein, well, I'm ~officially~ vegetarian now. I'm not super duper strict because sometimes there's something I want to eat that has meat in it (like stroganoff) and then there's that issue about bacon which... Heh. I cheat a bit. Bacon forever <3
But don't worry! I get protein from peanut butter, eggs, cheese, and BEANS.
Beans are another food of which I am very fond. Soy beans and lima beans especially, but any bean is omnomnomnomnom.
I also like dairy products. Milk and cheese are good. :9
Soda is out for me this year and most likely for the rest of my life, and I don't eat most candy because it's just chemicals mixed up to please taste buds. Whaaaat? If I'm gonna eat candy, give me some good old chocolate.
I do enjoy things like cake and cookies and brownies and peanut brittle, but I wouldn't want them every day.
But I'm not that picky, except for fruit. I'll eat just about anything served to me, even if it's not my favorite. After all, it's just for a little, like for a single meal or something. But there is one thing you should never serve me... Potato salad. I just... I'm sorry. I've tried it twice and I can't stomach it. It is literally the only food that I've tried that actually makes me gag. XD
Monday, March 5, 2012
Yes, I Have a Flea
I wrote an improv song a while back called "Yes, I Have a Flea" and I'd show it to you but currently it isn't on the internet anywhere...
The point is, I actually have a flea now. I went to a thrift store yesterday and I think that's why, but today I found him (or her, but I hope it's a boy cuz boys can't lay eggs) sucking on my thumb. Aw, how cute. To be true to the song, its name is Franchisco. He's in a plastic bag and I want to see how long he'll live.
The point is, I actually have a flea now. I went to a thrift store yesterday and I think that's why, but today I found him (or her, but I hope it's a boy cuz boys can't lay eggs) sucking on my thumb. Aw, how cute. To be true to the song, its name is Franchisco. He's in a plastic bag and I want to see how long he'll live.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Driving and losing consciousness (not at the same time!)
Today I drove one of my eleven year old classmates to an extra theatre practice we needed to go to. Needless to say, I drove super-carefully. The fact that I had someone to be accountable for whose safety was in my hands was heavy on my mind and it affected the way I did things. It didn't seem like I was driving any differently than normal--all the movements were the same. But my attitude was very different. I feel like there's probably a lesson about stewardship in there somewhere, but my brain is tired, so you can think it out for yourself. It's just what was on my mind to blog about.
Oh, and I fainted this morning. :D
Don't worry, I'm just fine! This happens from time to time when I stand up too fast. It's probably a blood pressure thing... Most of the time I just black out for a second and don't fall over, but it all depends on if I have something to hold on to when I feel it coming on. I vaguely remember hitting my head but I don't remember falling and then I came to on the floor with my head against the wall. I looked it up and apparently the reason for blacking out (and sometimes falling over) is that when you change position too quickly, you don't have enough blood in your brain. The best way to get more there is for you to be laying down. So your body makes you lay down. Cool! I didn't know that. Usually when I feel a blackout coming on, I just grab onto something and then if I fall then I fall (that's only happened about three times though).
Next time though, I think I'll just try sitting down. That way it won't hurt me as much when I fall over! Not that it hurt much. I just bonked my head on the wall, and I have a hard head. ^o^
Oh, and I fainted this morning. :D
Don't worry, I'm just fine! This happens from time to time when I stand up too fast. It's probably a blood pressure thing... Most of the time I just black out for a second and don't fall over, but it all depends on if I have something to hold on to when I feel it coming on. I vaguely remember hitting my head but I don't remember falling and then I came to on the floor with my head against the wall. I looked it up and apparently the reason for blacking out (and sometimes falling over) is that when you change position too quickly, you don't have enough blood in your brain. The best way to get more there is for you to be laying down. So your body makes you lay down. Cool! I didn't know that. Usually when I feel a blackout coming on, I just grab onto something and then if I fall then I fall (that's only happened about three times though).
Next time though, I think I'll just try sitting down. That way it won't hurt me as much when I fall over! Not that it hurt much. I just bonked my head on the wall, and I have a hard head. ^o^
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