After that, people started coming and I got SUPER hyper. I dubbed a certain chair the 'king chair' and whoever sat in it was king. I was king for a while but I got bored of not being near my subjects and felt all lonely so I went and sat with Joseph and Callie and Bethany. On the cool couch :)
We all told our names, ages, schools, and favorite Amy's ice cream flavor. There were some old friends from last year, some people from youth group, and a few new people I hadn't met before.
Then we played a would you rather game. Some of them were annoying. Because given a choice between a tattoo or a piercing, I'd really rather go live in a cave.
Then we had some prayer time, where we thanked God for stuff, and praised Him through the alphabet (starting with P) and gave up things that were hindering us from getting close to God. and then we went to goodwill. it took me forEVER to find a shirt, and I ended up getting a short sleeve hoodie thing instead. Oh well. :)
I got tater tots at sonic, and a jr burger thingy... and a cherry limeade. YUMMM....
we went back, we ate, we played chief... haha.... that was fun. I guessed right on my very first try, cause, i guess I have good hearing. I heard the first clap. and the direction. from behind me! :)
We had prayer time again, and we all prayed for the person on our left! And we prayed our gifts over everyone else. Then we had a teaching from Matt about Intimacy with God. I took a lot of notes. :)
Then we learned ways to behold God through reading the Bible and praying and journaling.
Then I got VERY tired. I guess getting up at seven kicked in. I sat around a bit, and played one game of ninja, but my mom was waiting for me, so I had to go.
Thank God, I don't have to get up that early tomorrow. Emma's mom is driving, which means we're not tied to the schedule of dropping Justin off at nine. Which means, more sleepytime for Clairey. :DD
I think my favorite part about today, was seeing how much I've changed in the last year. I still remember some of how I was last year at Immerse. I've gone from the shy, anti-social almost invisible girl, to someone who really participates and stuff, and my favorite part is that I'm able to listen to God more easily, something with which I struggled up until January of this year.
Isn't God amazing?
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.